Chapter 18: Gyrosphere (part 3)

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We enter through the restricted area. I was getting a bad vibe from this- we're not suppose to be here. There were no dinosaurs around- for now. So far nothing but trees and plants around, which is good. If there was anything out here- Owen isn't around to save us. Speaking of Owen- I wonder what he is up to- probably taking a break from training the raptors. Still can't believe I fell into the cage- my mom isn't going like that if she heard this.

(zach)- "Look, I see something moving over there"

(y/n)- " No- lets go back"

(gray)- "Bad idea, bad idea."

(zach)- " Great idea."

(y/n)- " No it's not"

(gray)- " No! We're gonna get arrested.They'll shave our heads, and we're gonna have to make root beer in the toilet." where did that come fom- where did he read that from? Thats weird as fuck

(y/n)- "What are you talking about?"

(zach)- " There. You see? I told you guys,You're welcome. Up close and personal with four dinosauruses." zach seemed proud of himself, I mean-- he did find some dinosaurs for us to see. I went right next to their gyrosphere to see the dinosaurs a little bit closer.

(gray)- "Ankylosaurus. We shouldn't be here. And there's five dinosaurs."

I counted the dinosaurs in front of us- zach was right- there's four.

(y/n)- " There's four, gray"

(zach)- "Aren't you supposed to be a genius or something? Look.One, two, three,Four."

(gray)- " five"

My gyrosphere was kicked out of control- I raised my arm up to hold against the glass, what the hell! It was spinning and turning around. It came to a rough, shattering stop. The glass of the glass cracked- but didn't fall into small pieces but into chunks of glass parts. I was upside down- I couldn't move the ball to stand- god what hit me?!. I unbuckled my sea tbelt- gravity pulled me down- I landed hard. I look at zach and gray's gyroshpere- a white looking t-rex stood behind them. What is it doing!- It's just staring at them! I need to get out of this thing. I looked at the cracked ball- the emergency door wouldn't open-what am i going to do?! I kicked the glass making it crack more. It fell apart- it should be enough for me to get out. I crawl through- I got scrapped by some sharp pieces going under. I stood up- holding my forearm, it was bleeding. This is just- too much, what the hell.  The dinosaur didn't do anything to zach or grey- thank god. It roared- making its way past them- hitting their ball to spin our of control. They were coming at me.

(y/n)- " Shit!" I leaped out or range they stopped spinning, they both looked at me figuring out what to do.

(y/n)- "Go, go, go!" I waved for them to flee the area while they can. They drove- leaving me behind- I want them to be safe- away from this dinosaur- I don't know if its suppose to be here, its attacking the other ones! The white dinosaur was moving so aggressively to eat or do damage to the other one, their tails hit zach and gray-spinning them out of control again! no ! Let them pass please. Their ball hit up against a tree- turning the ball over, it couldn't move. The white t.rex, took the other dinosaur down. I look towards the boys- zach was reaching something- I couldn't see. The dinosaur slowly makes its way towards the kids! It stared at them- didn't do anything. They finally looked at the dinosaur it stuck its finger nail into the ball! It went through! It turned the ball to face it. It crouched opening its giant mouth- he's going to eat them! The boys were screaming in terror- they stopped realizing it couldn't bite through the glass. It was slamming the ball against the ground- it's trying to break it! I need to do something. I looked around- nothing but branches and leaves. I found some rocks- I picked up two. I threw them at the dinosaur to get its attention. It dropped the ball on the ground- zach and gray fell to the ground- they're making a run for it.

The dinosaur looked straight at me- oh my god- what did I do.  It roared coming at me- I ran towards it, it turned its head to the side- opening its mouth for me to run to. I slid under its mouth avoiding its yellow teeth. My legs were covered in mud and dirt from sliding under the dinosaur. It roared even louder- it didn't like that I passed through it. I started running in the direction zach and gray were going. Lucky I caught up to them.

(y/n)- " Go! Go!" I shouted from behind them

(zach)- " gray, go!"

We made it out of the trees to a cliff- I looked down- the water below made my chest hurt- the height- I can't do heights.

(gray)- " Crap!"

(zach)- "We're gonna have to jump!"

(y/n)- " No way! I can't swim"

(gray)- " I can't"

(zach)- " it's coming-we have to Are you ready? One, two... Come on!" zach, gray and I jumped down the cliff. I felt extreme sharp pain as I jumped off. We all screaming falling into the water. I opened my eyes in the water. We fucking jumped in and lived! I don't know how to swim but I tried to swim up to take in some air. Gray and zach helped me up. We made it to the surface- I inhaled air as I came up. Zach and gray were coughing.  They helped me swim to the muddy ground. We floated there taking a break.

(gray)- " We jumped" he grins- laughing

(zach)- " Yeah, we made it"

(y/n)- " Do you guys promise not to do that again?" I say looking at the both of them

(zach & gray)- " Agreed". I wrapped my arms around the both of them, I'm not letting go from this hug.

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