But Who? Chapter One

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Ainslynn's POV

"Ainslynn, come downstairs and help with dinner." My mum shouted at me. I come running down the stairs in my black pajama pants and Draco's shirt. Yes I'm talking about the Draco Malfoy. Our parents have been friends for years and he and I will be starting at Hogwarts in a month. I run into the room he has been sleeping in while his parents have been on a trip. His room is right at the bottom of the stairs. He looks at me, stares into my blue gray eyes, begins blushing, then wraps me up in a big bear hug that was super passionate.We walk out of the hall into the kitchen to start help my mum make some stew. "Ainslynn, Draco, we going going to go to Diagon Alley tomorrow so you guys can get all your school stuff, so I would love if you two washed up tonight so we could leave early tomorrow." mum said. As Draco and I finish eating I race upstairs so I can get the shower first. He gave me quite the dirty look then goes into my room and plops on my bed because he is too lazy to walk down the stairs.

A little about myself now. I'm 11 years old and my birthday is June 4th,none day before Draco's. I usually have blonde hair and gray blue eyes, but I can change that whenever because i am a Metamorphmagus. It is really rare, my mom says I probably got it from my auntie Tonks but nobody talks about her family because they are really big blood traitors. Yes, I come from a Pure-Blood and no i don't call a Muggleborn wizard a Mudblood because that is really rude, and they can't help becoming a witch or wizard. Draco on the other hand does it all the time. I am about 5'5" which is really tall for an 11 year old but I feel like getting taller. I am taller than Draco right now and i love rubbing that in his face. That's pretty much me, well my appearance. 

My father died in the First Wizarding War when I was a little over one. After the war when Lucius was about to be sent to Azkaban he had said that You-Know-Who had put him under the Imperius Curse and when he got cleared he made a large donation to the Ministry of Magic. My mum and I live in London in a ten bedroom six bathroom house. Draco pretty much lives here because he loves being around my mum and I since I am an only child and he is as well. Even when his parents are home he usually is at my house. I think of Lucius as a father because he has always been there for me and has never let me down, Narcissa is like an auntie, but her niece Bellatrix is one that I do not like at all, but she's like family to me.

I finish my shower and hop out to my warm fluffy towel then slide some underwear on then a different pair of pajama pants and another one of Draco's shirts. When I walk into my room I see Draco curled in a ball with my blankets asleep on my bed. To wake him up I tickle his foot and kiss his forehead, he instantly pops up and I tell him to go get in the shower. About 20 minutes later he walks back into my room wearing nothing but a towel. Honestly, it's the hottest thing I've seen in ages. Oh man, i'm probably blushing like crazy. I, Ainslynn Rylee Jackson have the biggest crush on Draco Lucius Malfoy.

Draco's POV

I jump out of the shower and dry off with my towel and realize I had left my clothes in Ainslynn's room. I walk out with the towel wrapped around my waist to the point you could see my v-line. Even though I am 11 my body is super fit from Quidditch and I am proud of that. Walking into the room alls I see is the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on staring at me with a major blush. I feel the heat race to my cheeks and say "Sorry, I left my clothes in here. But I take it you like the view." Ainslynn replies, "I love the view and you. Here are your clothes Draco." I say thanks then run to the bathroom and change. Wait, there is something missing from the clothes I had brought up. She gave me a pair of boxers that were blue and my plaid pajama pants, but no shirt. Well I guess this will have to do. When I walk in I wrap my arms around her and say "Goodnight my angel, sleep tight." and pecked her forehead. Wow, I Draco Lucius Malfoy have the biggest crush on Ainslynn Rylee Jackson.

Finally I end up falling asleep. This dream that was going on in my mind was truly magical. Ainslynn and I were walking hand in hand in the hallways of Hogwarts when up on the seventh floor a door randomly appeared. The room had a bed, some romantic candles, a nice meal, some butterbeer, and it was the greatest thing. Her and I ate, talked, laughed, then she did her adorable yawn and stretch so we crawled into the bed and fell asleep.

"WAKE UP DRACO!!! WAKE UP! WE ARE GOING TO DIAGON ALLEY TODAY!!!" Ainslynn came running in my room shouting.

"Okay, okay I am awake. Gosh you must be super excited to go get school stuff. Now get out so I can get dressed."

"But what if I want to stay?" she says sticking her tongue out at me.

"Then stay in, but don't blush too much." I say while winking. She ran out the door, so quickly I throw on a sweater with a pair of black jeans and my black and white converse. Gosh, I really wish she would have stayed in my room. I need to snap out of this, it's going to eat me alive. Someone needs to know, and not just anyone, but Ainslynn. 

"DRACO!! Hurry up and come downstairs so we can go." Mrs. Jackson shouts. I finish slicking my hair back and the three of us eat breakfast and the travel by Floo Powder to the Leaky Cauldron. I rarely travel by Floo Powder but it is a lot of fun. I wonder when mum and dad are coming home from their trip, oh well, "Mrs. Jackson?" I say. "Can Ainslynn and I go get our wands first." She smiles and replies back, "Yes you guys can. I am going to go get your books, so here is some money. Meet me in  Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions  in about an hour. I will get the books then run them home. Tell Ainslynn that she is more than okay to get an owl from the pet shop." 

I take the money and say, "Thanks." Then run off to find Ainslynn looking at a black and white eagle owl. She is so in love with it. I had her some Galleons and Sickles and the owl is hers. I pick a large brown, black, and white eagle owl. Walking into Ollivander's is so weird. He assists us in finding our wand. He says the wand chooses the wizard so I take the wand he is holding out and this warm feeling takes over. "That is the wand Mr. Malfoy." Mr. Ollivander said to me, my wand is simple, 10" long, made of hawthorn wood, and had a unicorn hair core. It takes a few wands her Ainslynn to get hers but from the looks of it she is super happy. She comes running over to me to tell me about her wand. "It is 10" with hawthorn wood and a phoenix feather core!!" She says with excitement in her voice. "Come Ainslynn, we need to meet your mum at the robe shops." I say. 

Ainslynn's POV

There was this boy, he had a twin, red hair, green eyes, and a hand me down robe. He may be a Weasley but he is so attractive. Well not as attractive as Draco. 


I hope you all liked the first chapter!!

This is my first piece of writing that I've published. Well a little about me, I'm 16 almost 17. I am a Gryffindor as you can tell by the name. I live in Oregon.As far as updates go, I will try to upload at least twice a week, Wednesday and Friday but if I have the time there may be weekend doubles. I still have a couple weeks until school starts so I will try to get chapters written in advance!!The characters in this story besides Ainslynn, her mom, and a few others are all thanks to the one and only JK Rowling. Love you all!!


But Who? A Draco Malfoy/George Weasley FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now