When All Ends

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     As she ran home from school, tears rolling down her face to the point her vision was getting hazy. She ran up the driveway, happy as hell her parents weren't home yet; she knew what she needed to do.. She couldn't take this pain anymore.. She couldn't stay strong any longer. She tried to wipe away the tears in her eyes, so she could have a little bit of better vision, but it didn't work, there were too many tears.
     She instantly went to the night-stand beside her bed, pulling out the second drawer, flipping it over, to get her stach of blades she had hidden. Then, she rushes to her parents' bathroom, searching for any kind of pills to take. Anything. Jack pot! She found her mother's sleeping pills. As in the bathroom, she also grabs a cup and fills with tap water.
     Now walked back to her room, she sits on her bed. Her bright-silver, shining sharp blades all in a row neatly and about fifty 10mg ambien's in a nice pile, all acrossed the top of her bed, with the cup of water on the night-stand. She knows this is her time. It was her time to go..
Moon's face, as red as a tomato, from hyperventilating as all the tears were too much for her. She sat there thinking about life, before she ended it all. "Should she really do this?" She thought aloud to her self. She found no reason to stay anymore, the life she was thinking about was trash, even though it was of her own.
     She grabs a handful of the ambien and downs them all. Short after, she grabs her favorite blade and slowly cuts into her thin arm, up towards her body. Very slowly, she loves the pain. It is quit a rush to her. She started smiling while crying, happy in a way, knowing her life was just about to end.. As she saw so much blood gushing out of her left arm rapidly.
She started to feel numb, everywhere. It worked! Her body was turning pale, starting to fade away completly. She just lies there, fading away. She is finally happy, as she takes her last breath...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2016 ⏰

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