Murder at Henry High

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Part One

This is the story about the murder at Henry High School.

    One day a janitor decided to clean the paint work and smelt a vile odour; it smelt like rotting flesh. He could hear flies buzzing so he continued around the corner towards the noise. Almost tasting mould he started to gag until he found it. There on the floor lay a puddle of blood pouring out of incisions all of the teenage girls body.

Her face was blue and purple and her lips and eyes were swollen;her blonde hair knotted.  The black eyeliner she wore was smudged down her face just like her mascara, as though she'd been crying. Bruised limbs and ripped clothes showed beneath the crimson shimmer of the powerful light shining on her blood.

     When the shock finally set in the janitor couldn't think what to do. His first thought was 'How am i supposed to clean up this mess?'. You couldn' really blame him though could you. I mean he'd been brought up cleaning everything. Whenever his parents saw a mess they'd beat him and make him clean it. They'd once beat his so bad that he ended up in hospital with broken ribs and a cracked skull. His mum told him if he told anyone she'd do worse than that. when the doctors asked how it happened he had told them he'd fallen down some stairs, of course that was a life.  A solitary tear slipped to the front of his eyes, his round glasses making it stay on his face rather than solitarily dawdling down his cheek. He just wished that his life would have been different, wished that he could have done more. wished he didn't have the harsh reality of his wretched life.

People said that when you grow older your life is reflected on your face. Well they were right.  Now his once straight face had become creased and saggy with his wrinkles, a resullt of the stress. His brown eyes, well, they used to have a twinkle in them when he was a baby, I guess my parents beat that out of me too, he thought. As well as having, what he thought was, the most degrading job in the world he got called names like Mickey-thinlips because his lips were so thin.


A/N: Hey guys, if you read this, thanks it means alot. Please leave a comment or vote or something. Hope you enjoyed this its not done obviously but its as far as ive got so thanks <3 xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2013 ⏰

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