Chapter 19: We're safe, for now

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(y/n)- " Let's get out of here- before, that white dinosaur comes back" I crawled out of the water and onto the mud. Zach and gray crawl out of the water as well. I stood up- adjusting my soaked clothes, I look around to see which way is the best way to go back to the park.

(time skip)

We've been walking through the woods- for a while now. I took lead, gray and zach follow behind. Our clothes were dried- I jumped down a cliff. Cats not gonna believe me- I hope shes okay and avoiding any rides.

(gray)- " Zach- look" I hear gray whisper.

(zach)- " Oh god"

(y/n)- " Guys- I can hear you whispering, what is it? Do I have something on me? If its a bug don't tell me" the thought of a bug creeps me out.

(zach)- " Are you feeling okay?" I stopped to turn around to face zach.

(y/n)- " Yeah- I guess"

(gray)- " (y/n)- your back" gray points at me

(y/n)- " What's wrong with it?" what's he talking about- its not like I can look at it

(zach)- " Your hurt-- you must have gotten scratched by that dinosaur" zach came to me checking out my back. He moved the back of my shirt- I felt a breeze. My back stung- it hurt so bad.
(Zach)- " Did that hurt?" I punched Zach in the shoulder, that stung like a bitch

(Y/n)- "Yeah that hurt! Oh fuck,is it bad?" I groan from the pain.

(zach)- " Hard to tell- your shirt is a little stained with blood. Here- take it off"

(y/n)- " I'm not taking my shirt off" I'm not going to take my shirt off in front of these kids.

(zach)- " I need to see it- to know what we're dealing with here" No point in arguing, thank god I put a tank top under this shirt. I start to unbutton my shirt- I took it off holding it in my hand. Zach turned me around to examine my back. He softly touched it- it was stinging again.

(zach)- " Sorry- but you have three deep scratch marks" zach takes my shirt from my hand and presses down on my my back, I bit down on my lip to keep me from screaming.

(zach)- " I got most of it- your other shirt is covering the rest"

(y/n)- " It's fine- let me just tie this on my back for now" I took my shirt back, I tied it around me to keep my back protected.

(gray)- " (y/n)...zach" gray was ahead of us, he crouched down to pick up something.

(y/n)- " What is it gray?" zach and I went over to him. He was holding a helmet, it was broken- is that blood on it? What is going on in this park?! Gray drops it in fright.

(y/n)- " It's okay- lets just find some cover"

(zach)- " Hey- look over there" I looked to see where he was going to. There were stairs- leading up to door covered in vines. What is this,another park- an abandoned one? We all enter inside. It was all covered in moss, greenery- vines,dirt- everything. It was a mess in here, I wonder what went on here.

(gray)- " Wow."

(y/n)- " Little dark in here"

(zach)- "You still have those matches?" asking gray

(gray)- "Here you go" he hands zach the matches from his fanny pack. We wonder through this building, the wallpaper- was really cool. It had velociraptors on it- I would like that for my bedroom. Maybe. We walked into this other room, shelves of items on it, seemed to be old style walkie talkies. Gray grabbed this weird bulky looking head set. He touched a buttom making the lense zoom in- making this humming sound. He puts it back quickly- it must have startled him. there was a jeep in here, looks like its been here a long time- no way this thing is gonna work.

(gray)- " 1992 Jeep Wrangler Sahara, Sand Beige."

(zach)- " You remember when we fixed up Grandpa's old Malibu, right?"

(y/n)- " You guys fixed up a car together? I can barely fix myself something to eat"

(time skip)

I followed zach and gray back outside. We found this jeep close by, it also looked old. Zach went to take a closer look. Gray and I were on watch. I felt scared- that dinosaur is going to come back. I heard leaves shuffling- and twigs snapping.

(gray)- " You think it's out there?"

(y/n)- " God I hope not"

(zach)- " I mean, I know for a fact it is definitely not out there, all right guys. We're totally safe. Here, go take this. You're stronger than me." he hands gray the battery we'll need to start the much- older jeep than this one. We head back to the garage to put the battery in. zach was the on puttig it together. I entered the passanger side of the jeep, gray was in the driver seat. I took off my shirt that was keeping my back protected. It was bothering me, it kept touching my back making it sting. I threw it on the ground next to zachs sweater he threw.

(zach)- "All right. Turn it over." gray did what zach told him to do, it started! We can get out of here.

(gray)- " It works!"

(y/n)- " Let's get the hell out of here" I move to slide over when gray moved to the back seats.

(zach)- " Can I drive?"

(y/n)- " Can you even drive?" It's not like can driver either..

(gray)- " I thought you failed your driver's test." oh that's comforting.

(zach)- "No, only the driving part." he wickedly grins. I mean- when will he get a chance to drive without a license, never.

(y/n)- " Alright- just be careful" I say sliding back to the passenger side. Zach drives out of the garage- the breeze of the wind feels good but hurts my back. I just want to go back to the main area of the park- attend to my wound and go back home, with cat of course. Zach's driving was actually pretty good- whoever failed him,, should do their job correctly with open eyes. As were going there was a gate, it was chained off, zach sped up for a chance to break it open. I held onto the seatbelt and eyes closed. The jeep broke through the gate, zach and gray cheer as we made it and found a road- it probably leads to the park.

(zach)- "Okay, that's it.We're safe now."

(y/n)- " Finally- lets just head back- and i'll bring you to your aunt claire, and everything wil be okay" I sigh in relief. This vacation is over. In the back of my mind- I wanted to see Owen, I hope he's okay- with a loose dinosaur and all.

(gray)- " Go, go! Go!" gray shouts in my left ear

(y/n)- " Gray- what are you screaming about?" I turn around, in the sky above, these flying things- so many of them!

(y/n)- " Go zach! Drive!"

(zach)- " What--" he looked into the mirror.

(zach)- "Shit!"

(gray)- " Hurry up!"

(y/n)- " Hey!" i saw a gate up ahead, there was security guarding this area.

(zach)- " Help!"

(gray)- " Open the gate!"

(y/n)- " Let us in" we all shouted to get there attention. Zach honks the jeep horn repeatedly.

Another way out. [ Owen Grady x Reader ] (Vol. 1) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now