Chapter 1, Dead

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The first chapter will depress you but keep reading it is going to be a very good Jelsa I promise you that. Elsa must recover after the loss of her parents and now as Anna drifts away from her as well how will her life change. And what does this Jack character have to do with it.

Thump, thump, thump.

The sound caused me to sit up on the bed in confusion and I wondered what the noise was. A rattling sound alerted me and I assumed it was a pot in the kitchen.

Okay, someone's up.

I slid out of bed and slipped into my old fuzzy snowflake slippers. I slowly stepped out of my room, doing my best not to make a single sound as I walked through the creaky floorboards. My sister's door was open and I found her baseball bat leaning against the wall. Hastily, I grabbed it and snuck up the stairs. I heard loud footsteps stomping all over the kitchen linoleum.

Wait... Those footsteps seemed way too loud and... "heavy" to be either one of my parents'.


A bloodcurdling scream followed the noise as I jumped in fright. Then another sound echoed throughout the entire house, sounding like a gunfire. I covered my mouth, resisting the urge to also scream. No... They aren't dead, I said to myself. They aren't dead. No, they couldn't possibly in the kitchen anyways. For one thing, it was too late to eat. Father's at work, doing a night shift and mother went next door to visit my aunt... They couldn't be dead... Could they?

Then eyes widened as my sister came to mind.

Anna, where's Anna?!

I turned and ran back down the stairs as quickly and quietly as I could. I ran into my sister's bedroom and took her phone from her bedside table. She was still out, not that I was surprised. Not even the sound of the destruction of the entire world would wake her up.

"Anna!" I hissed shaking her. It took me all my might to awaken my little sister.

"Wh-what," she sat up and stretched drowsily. "Morning al..." I covered her mouth and put a finger to my lips. Her eyes widened as I pulled her into her closet and dialed 911.

"Hello this is the Aradon county police department, what is your emergency." Spoke a man's voice from the other end.

"I'm Elsa Winters I live at 2616 Arendelle street." I whispered as fast as possible. "Most likely two men have broken into my house and I think they've..." I stopped, gulping as I was scared to say anymore. Throught the darkness, I could tell that Anna was giving me a worried look, unaware of what happened. I glanced at her as I took a deep breath. I hear boots coming down the stairs. "They may have killed my parents. Please come quick before they find us." I panicked a little.

"Ok, stay calm. We'll arrive as soon as possible." I hung up as I opened the closet doors the slightest bit so I could hear what was going on upstairs. The voices were faint from where we were, but they were clear enough for me to hear. Anna covered her mouth as we did our best to stay calm.

"Maybe the girls were at a slumber party." One man said. Judging by how low the voice was, he could have possibly been in his late 20s.

"Of course, explains why the lights are on in the other room." It sounded like the other one was slapped upside the head.

"Go downstairs and see if you can find anything valuable."

Anna's eyes widened even further as I gestured for her to stay quiet. I held my breath as I could hear footsteps come into her room. I feared that even the slightest movement would be heard. Anna looked as though she was on the verge of crying as I wrapped my arms around her. Drawers could be heard being thrown open and bed sheets tossed aside. The steps of the man grew louder as he approached the closet. I shut my eyes as tightly as possible and held the baseball bat in my hand, ready to strike until the sirens rang out.

"FUCK!" The guy upstairs shouted. His partner in our room rushed to where he was. The door was broken in and I assumed that help finally arrived, quicker than I thought. Before the two crooks knew it, they were surrounded.

"Alright we have these two go check the house." I creaked the closet door open, wondering if it was safe to come out. I tip toed out of the room and glanced upstairs to see what was going on. A female officer found us as we sighed of relief. "We've got two girls over here!" she cried out to the others. I looked over my shoulder to see Anna behind me.

"Keep them down stairs!" another officer called as the men were taken away.

"Ma'am we've found the two bodies of a male and female two bodies, both appears to be dead."

Anna gasped and ran to them as I followed, slowly walking and surveying the crime scene. My sister crouched down in between them and endlessly sobbed for the loss of our parents. "Th-They're gone." She whispered, barely even audible for me to hear. I froze at the sight of this and closed my eyes, expecting tears to come out, but none came.

That's right... I refused to shed a single tear at the time and stayed strong for my sister. From then on, it was just going to be me and her. I crouched down next to her and held my arms open as she fell into them.

After that our night was filled with questions then we went to pack our things and be taken to our nearest relative's home.

I packed everything in my room except the furniture and the posters into four bags. Then I went upstairs found the large boxes I thought had all of our family memorabilia in my mother's closet. As I left the room I saw pictures of our family. I felt my heart snap in half as I took the pictures with me.

Over the next few days our family came from across the country.

On the day of the funeral Anna and I stood before our parents bodies. Anna had tears streaming down her cheeks but I merely looked at their bodies and thought of all the things they will never get to see.

"It is a tragic thing, to lose one you love, and especially a couple so young with two beautiful daughters. We never thought we would lose Iduna nor Agnar so soon. And I pray that heaven welcomes them with open arms as Disney will open our arms to Elsa and Anna to care for the two precious girls left behind by such a tragedy." The minister said as their bodies were lowered down into the ground together.

This is the last time we will ever see our parent's again. We were dead to the world. No reason to smile. No reason to care. Anna's normal smile was replaced by the look of a girl on the verge of tears. We were sent to live with our aunt Primrose and Uncle Thomas with their daughter Rapunzel on the other side of Disney. Anna seemed to pull herself together after a while but I closed myself off from others.

I don't need to be attached to anyone else from now on.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2016 ⏰

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