Next door neighbors with Prince Charming

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A/N: Hi you people of Wattpad. This is my first story, so don't wonder if it's a little inconsistent at times. But I always appreciate criticism, so don't be shy and comment. I hope you like it... :)

Hello everybody. My name is Elisabeth and this is my story. It started all when I decided to follow my dream of becoming an author and I moved to New York City. My best friend April already lived there, together with her, very handsome I might add, boyfriend Nathan. As you probably guessed I was single, but desperately on the search for my Prince Charming. At that time I thought that the one, who was actually meant to come and save me from my castle, was gay and ran off with the stable boy.

Anyways, back to the story. After staying with April and Nathan for two weeks and annoying them, or at least him, to death, I finally found an apartment not too far away from theirs, which I could afford with my salary. I had started to work as a journalist for a magazine called „Magnitude“ and earned just enough to make a living. The day I moved into the new, small apartment was so very chaotic, but I managed somehow to get all my boxes in there without breaking any of my bones.

Finally done, all the things unpacked, all I wanted to do was get my clothes off and get to sleep in my bed. I had put on my pj’s and wore my glasses after taking out the lenses. My hair was in a messy knot somewhere on my head, I really didn’t care, all I longed for was sleep. From hoisting heavy things all day I had a weird taste in my mouth and at that moment the best thing that could happen to me was a toothbrush. I went into the bathroom and dug out my toothbrush from my vanity bag. My fingers felt for the cylindrical form of tooth paste. When I didn’t find it I started to panic histerically. That was just perfect. The one thing that would give me some happiness on this hard day wasn’t there. I must have had forgotton it at Aprils. I wasn’t going to start my life without clean teeth and fresh breath. I looked around, my hands on my hips, I was about to freak out, when it hit me. I hadn’t had neighbours before so I didn’t think of it earlier. My toothbrush in my right, I put on my slippers and strolled to the door. All my thoughts were about sleep, only to get my ass into my soft, warm bed to sleep and dream.

I opened my door and went across the hallway, the number four was on the door. I yawned and reached out to ring the bell, right under A. Parker. I looked at my feet, waiting for the door to be opened. As I stared down I noticed a stain on my shirt. 

Just so you know, I regret not having listened to April, because one of her advices was: "Never knock on a door without dressing up. You never know who might be on the other side."

Still concentrated on the stain of my shirt I heard how the door was opened. I looked up to see two deep blue eyes stare back at me. He was perfect, brown tousled hair made a beautiful contrast to his  blue eyes. I was so stunned by this sight that I dropped my toothbrush. He had a confused look on his face. Clumslily I bent down and picked it up, my face must have had taken the color of a tomato. Desperately I tried to save some of my dignity by reaching out my hand. 

"Hi. Uhm, I just moved in right across the hall. Elisabeth. Uh, that's my name." 

A smile crept on his face: "Hi Elisabeth." He took my hand and shook it lightly. "My name's Avory. How can I help you?" His voice was deep and had a chilling melody in it. I looked at him in his grey shirt and blue sweat pants. He looked stunning.

My glasses had slipped down my nose, so I shoved them back up. My heart was racing. Oh my god! I must have looked horrible, my face got even redder as I spoke again: "I just wanted to brush my teeth, and you know, I forgot my toothpaste with my friend. So I thought: 'Why don't I just walk over here and ask if I could borrow some'?" I had mimiced my own voice. 

I gave a nervous chuckle when he didn't answer. "So, uh, could I, I mean borrow some of your toothpaste? Just so I don't have bad breath." I mentally kicked myself for saying that. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2013 ⏰

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