Chapter 1:

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"Rico? Why don't boys like me?" Miley asked.

"I like you smiley;) You are amazing and so inspiring." He said a few feet below.

"Thanks Rico! You are such a good FRIEND!" She responded. Rico was hurt. Very hurt. Rico has been by her side since day 1. He saw her get hurt and dumped.

"You know what Rico. I'm done with this. I keep going for guys that don't love me the way I love them....."

OH BOI    Rico thought

"I never realized that there was someone who actually loved me. I've seen the light Rico!!!"

OH BOI          He thought again

"I know now. The times he gets sad when I talk about other men. The one who has always been by my side. I need someone older and mature like him." A smile flared up on Ricos face. "It's Jake! How did I not see it before."

"JAKE!!" Rico said in fury. He couldn't believe it. Jacob Sartorius was taking Ricos dream girl.

"Jake loves anything that walks Miley! He even hit on me when I let my hair grow out!" Rico yelled. But Miley couldn't hear because she was in her own thoughts, or because he was too short for his voice to reach her ears but either one works. 

He was so sad. Rico always witnessed Miley go after all the guys but him.

"You know what? You're right! I will text him." Miley said.

"When did I say that??" Rico whispered to himself.

To: 7026666969
From: 70212357
"Hey Jake its me Miley."

"Oh hey miles wanna play twenty questions?"

"You know it;)"

"Wanna send noodes??"

*miley shocked "Rico he asked for noodes what do I do? I've never done this.?"
Miley learned what noodes were before. Rico said to her that they are dirty;) text messages.*

"Lol yeah what would you do if I was there?"

"Well Miley;) you'd be chill in with your hair tied. No makeup with some sweatpants on."

"Oh my googles Jake! You know me so well I'm wearing that now!"

"You know I will always be that guy. I think about you all night long."

"You're so dirty Jake;) But I think you need something to think of me;)"

"Ya noodes."

"Wait what? Weren't we just exchanging noodes?" Miley was confused.

"No? It when you take picture of your uvula" Jake said.

*Miley finally realized what noodes were. She goes to her room and gets on her bed. It's time. She puts her hair down and grabs her phone to the front camera. She then heavily indulges the iPhone 4s down her passageway to take a pic of the uvula. "Wow this is so hard. I almost chipped a tooth" she thought. Then she sends them*

"That's so hot. But now I know I can't date you. You're a ho."

Miley has never been called a ho before.

"Rico. Jacob just called me a ho for sending uvula pics."

"I wish you would send me uvula pics" he thought

"Man now I can't go for Jacob he called me a gardening tool ugh!"

"Well Miley. I guess this is a sign it wasn't meant to be."

"Why are all my exes the same. First Donny now Jacob ugh!"

Rico remembered Donny. He was dating Miley when she had the phase with older guys. Donald Trump and here were dating for a few months until she found out that he was cheating on her with his daughter. Wowsa!

"You know what Miley. Date someone new. Maybe someone shorter like me." Rico said.

"OH SHUCKS! You 's right. I need someone short. Someone who won't ask for uvula pics, someone who respects me and will give me butterflies. I want MATTY B!"

"Matty B? Are you kidding me???" Rico said.

"Oh Matty. I love that man. Also he would sing to me. Or preferably, rap."

"Well Miley I can't deal anymore. I'll be going, see you at lunch!" Rico said while he was ready to jet.

"Lunch! That's where I'll hit on MATTY B! See you there!" Miley shouted.

OH BOI Rico thought.

AN: I would like to thank you all for the support on this fanfiction. I am planning on posting chapter two tomorrow or so. Also I'm aware of all the errors I really suck at English so this is the best I can do!

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