Important Updates (A/N)

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Hello lovelies, it's me, your dearest author. I just wanted to get some things out of the way that you might not know if you don't follow me and check my updates.

1. I might not update for a bit. I have to focus on my grades a bit since I must have above a C to stay in the program I'm in, don't worry it won't be for long, just maybe a week or two.

2. The story isn't nearing the end yet, if anything it's reaching the climax.


3. Thank you for all the reads! I went from 3k to 5k in weeks and I'm just so amazed, if there's anything you want me to do as a gift I'll do it, idk what it'd be though a Q/A? nah, idk, a bonus chapter. Whatever you guys want okay!

Once again thank you for being patient with me and staying with me. I love you guys, BYE!

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