Case Closed

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AN: This is my daughter's story.  It has nothing to do with The Academy, but I thought it was pretty cute and well written for a 10 year old. Maybe we have a budding writer here.

The door was broken down.  As I walked through the splinters of the robbery, I spotted an ax.  I knelt down to inspect the hatchet, it appeared to be covered in small pieces of wood, the same wood as the door.  As I searched the rest of the house, I saw drawers on the floor and glass shards.  I followed the trail of glass shards to a shattered window.  Looking out the window, I saw a tree with its limb reaching out to the broken window.

Then the puzzle was finally complete in my head.  I came to the conclusion.  I found the young woman who owned the house.  I told her, "The culprit used a hatchet to break in the front door.  Then they took the valuables from the drawers leaving the ransacked drawers on the floor.  To get away, they broke the window and jumped onto the tree limb.  They climbed down the tree and rant to that house.  The robber left a trail of footprints sprinkled with glass shards," I said point to a red shingled house one block away.  The robber was arrested and the young woman got her things back.  Case Closed.

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