Bambi Eyes

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Steve Rogers has never met Tony Stark, he never felt the need to or want to simple as that. But then Loki appeared and forced the Avengers to come together and save New York. But before all that happened the Avengers had to be brought together on the S.H.I.E.L.D helicarrier. And that's when Tony Stark walked in, hips swaying with each step bringing all eyes to his curvaceous form. The suit was tight on his chest, thighs, hips and ass. Steve managed to tear his eyes away to look around. Natasha's eyes where glued to Stark's ass, fingers twitching like she wanted to grab something. Thor on the other hand looked rather horrified when Natasha knocked a pen on the floor and shamelessly stared as Tony bent over to pick it up.

Steve didn't realize his hand was moving until Thor smacked it, rather hard actually. "How dare you Steven, have you no shame!?" Thor hollered, pulling a startled Tony into his arms. Tony was only 5'3" so Thor's gigantic 6'3" height dwarfed him, making him look even cuter. "C-captain did you just...grope me!?" Tony squeaked, red blush taking over his face. Steve blushed when he said that, his hand was still flexing like it was when he still had the squishy hand full of Tony's ass. "I uhhh..." Steve was at a loss of words. He never would've grabbed a pretty doll like Tony, he could practically hear his mother scolding him. "I can't believe I was groped by Captain America..." Tony whispered burying his face in his hands.

"Tony I'm so sorry I didn't know what came over me!" Steve pleaded. Thor scuffed and turned Tony away, picking up the smol Stark like he was a couple of grapes. "Come Anthony, I will protect you from these barbarians!" Thor yelled, glaring at Natasha who was giving a seductive smirk at Tony. Tony blushed and tried to stammer out a protest but Thor had already turned away and strolled out. When they were out of sight Natasha slinked over to Steve's side. She smirked down at him and straight up grinned when Steve glared at her. "So.." She drawled. "Is it as nice as it looks?"


It just got worse when Natasha and Clint teamed up with each other. Clint would pull the whole "I was brainwashed please give me cuddles" and Tony would melt with a sad noise and pull Clint down to kiss his cheeks and rub his hair. During movie nights Thor would sit on Tony's right letting the much smaller man throw popcorn in his mouth. Clint would call Tony's lap, laying on his back with his head in Tony's lap. Tony would pet his hair and stroke his cheeks, smiling when Clint would get bored with the movie and bury his face in Tony's squishy stomach. The only thing that kept Steve from ripping the archer away from his crush was the fact that Clint made it clear he thought of Tony as team mom even going as far as calling Tony mom.

His only competition was Natasha but that didn't make it even better. All Natasha had to do was talk about the hardships of the red room, fake a tear or two then Tony was helpless. Natasha would get hugged to his chest as Tony stroked her hair and murmured to her in Italian. Natasha would smirk at Steve enjoying watching the Captain trying to keep his shit together. Tony was currently making tiramisu, Natasha's favorite. Clint was perched on the counter but Tony shooed him off with the spoon but then let him lick it clean. Steve sat at the table with a far away look in his eyes, he snapped out of it when Natasha poked Tony's side. Tony giggled and smacked Natasha's hand away.

"Thor that's enough pop tarts for today, put those back." Tony scolded. Thor looked like he was about to protest but Tony gave him the 'mom' look so he pouted and put the package of pop tarts away. The Avengers alarm blared, startling Tony and making jump into Steve's arm. Steve would've said something awkward but Tony wiggled out of his hold. "I'm terribly sorry to interupt dessert sir but robotic frogs seem to reeking havic downtown." J.A.R.V.I.S spoke up over the alarm. The Avenger didn't need any more prompting before they all sprang into action.

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