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"Everything you know is a lie."

Thats the last thing Bill heard his triangle self speak, before he woke up in a cold sweat from his awful night mare, seeing himself terrorizing people from Dippers point of view, Bill had consumed all of Dippers memories from when he possessed him.
Bill was sitting up in a borrowed bed at the mystery shack, he had a human form now and had befriended the Pine twins, he had a special bond with Pine Tree. They had slowly became friendlier after a while, the twins were now sixteen and at this exact moment, Mabel was at Candys for a sleep over and the grunkles were gone on a short two week vacation that Mabel and Wendy had forced them to go on.
Bills breathing had slowed down slightly, all the treacherous things he had done to this town he had grown to love, all the things he had down to poor Pine Tree, who he had also grown to love. Bills thoughts were starting to form around Dipper when he heard a light sound of foot steps quickly advancing towards the room he was staying in.
His breathing faltered when he saw a shadow, but every part of his body visibly relaxed when he saw Dipper leaning through the door way with one arm supporting his body on the doors frame. He looked at Dipper as he took a deep breath, obviously exhausted from running down two flights of stairs, and walked over towards Bills bed and turned on a small lamp by his bed.
Bill looked up at Dipper who wore a worried look in his eyes and extra messy bed head. Dipper had on socks and red boxers and the red shirt he was wearing the previous morning.

"Hello Pine Tree, what brings you to my neck of the woods?" Bill smirked at what, he thought was a clever pun.

"I heard you scream," Dipper said looking down, not bothering to hide the worry in his voice, "Bill, are you alright?"

Bill didnt recall screaming but maybe he did.

"Not a thing to worry about my dear pinetree, just a silly human nightmare." Bill stated.

Dipper looked down at him with concern.

"Scoot over." Dipper demanded.

Confused Bill obeyed and watched as Dipper lifted the blankets and got under the sheets with him, Dipper turned off the lamp before getting comfy and facing Bill.
Bill, the blush heating up his face, coughed awkwardly, as he did not expect the twin to do that.

"Now, as much as I love this, I must ask, what are you doing my dear Pine?" Bill asked.

Dipper looked up at him, big brown eyes, he smiled and simply stated, "I'm curing your nightmares."

A few minutes passed and it looked like Dipper was asleep from the even breathing, lightly closed eyes, and the fact that consciously, Dipper would never put himself in the postition he was currently in, which was snuggled up to Bill, his head resting on Bills shirtless tattooed chest.
Bill started to think, 'why do they do this,' and 'how can they trust me, leave themselves so vulnerable, knowing the things I've done?' Before he could belittle himself and go deeper in to his self hatred for what he had been, Dipper stirred underneath him.
Bill looked down to see Dipper looking up at him, Dipper had switched positions, he went from snuggled up on Bill to where he was now, he had his elbows on the mattress at each sides of Bills hips, supporting his head, he was laying flatly stretched out in the middle of Bills open legs.

"Whats wrong?" Dipper whispered. Worry mixed with an intrigued look.

Finally Bill couldn't take it anymore, those big brown doe eyes staring at him, Dippers round cheeks and soft body so carefully laid around his, on top of all his worrying he had to ask.

"Pine tree, how can you like me, how can you trust me? Did you forget about how awful I was?" Bills voice cracked and a tear fell down, "I mean I'm evil, I-I-I'm a demon, whats wrong with me, how can you let me even be around you?!" By this time hot tears were streaming down Bills face, his eyes filled with sadness and emptiness.
Dipper then did something neither of them excepted. He pulled himself up and with his weight on one hand and he cupped Bills face with the other.

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