Chapter 20: Owen!

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(time skip)

Security realized what was going on- they took us in immediately. We were at the west gate of the park. I'm at ease that we made it back but those things in the air, they're coming this way. We got to make for cover. Cat better be inside- I hope she's safe, that goes for Owen too.

"Ladies and gentlemen, due to a containment anomaly all guests must take shelter immediately." oh no. A loud siren goes off, this is happening.

"Ladies and gentlemen, due to a containment anomaly all guests must take shelter immediately." It kept repeating over and over. they're getting closer! The sound of people screaming and running away.

(y/n)- " Guys go! " I grab their heads down to avoid those flying dinosaurs. We make way avoiding people, they were getting picked up flying around and falling hard on the ground. Some even fall off a short height. We dodged people blocking our way- pushing and shoving into us to run away. We stopped to figure out where to go next. I hear a voice- yelling. I turned to see who it was, Zara.

(zara)- " I found you, idiots! Its too dangerous to stop- you got to kee--" Zara was picked up! They're taking her. She screaming so wildly- flaying her arms. She managed to get free but she might have screwed herself even more. She is free falling- Oh my god!

(gray)- " Look! the Pteranodon dropped her!" Zara gets grabbed again. It lost grip and Zara goes flying off into the water. She landed safely. The Pteranodon started diving into the water- just to get to Zara. It scooped her up, flaying her arms again. A huge wave emerges- and out comes the Mosasaurus closing its mouth on the pteranodon and zara. Shes gone.

(y/n)- " Oh my god!"

(zach)- "This way come on!" pulled gray and I. Running away-trying not to bump into people was difficult. Those Pteranodons are everywhere! I looked behind me,there was a huge one flying directly low to us! It got too low- its wings were crashing into things.We all tripped- it didn't stop us, Zach and Gray leaned up against a wall. I was in between them- having my arms push them back. The pteranodon's beak was so close to penetrating my chest. Oh god. My breathing was getting heavy-.

(y/n)-" Guys look! Claire!" I say pointing to her standing on top of a Truck. She was a sight for sore eyes, looks like shes been through a lot too. Next to her was Owen! Hes here too?!

(zach)- " Go!Go!"

(gray)- " Aunt Claire!" we all ran towards them, I looked behind me in case they were more of them.

(Claire)- " Zach! Gray!" she came running towards them with watery eyes.

(Owen)- " No! Hold your--" Owen was pounced on, he lost grip on his gun, it came sliding towards me.

(y/n)- " Owen!" I ran towards his gun- I picked it up. I don't know how to use a gun! Owen turned to face it, it was chomping at him. Hes pulling away at it. I ran- kicking it off off of him, I aimed the gun at it- pulling the trigger multiple times. Oh my god, that was exciting. I dropped the gun down, in shock that I shot my first gun... at a dinosaur! I held out my hand to help Owen.

(y/n)- " Looks easier at the arcade" I say short of breath. Owen takes my hand- standing back on his feet. He places his hand on my hip, pulling me in closer to him. His lips pressed against mine. His eyes were closed but mine were open in complete shock,  I did kiss him back, how couldn't I. He pulls back placing his forehead against mine.

(Owen)- " Thought I told you to stay out of trouble" he grins.

(y/n)- " It somehow finds'd you know we were in trouble?"

(Owen)- " Found the wreckage, I also found your shirt- along with his sweater"

(y/n)- " yeah, about that- looks like I'm going to have an awesome scar" I chuckle turning him to show my back. Owen touches it softly. My back reacted to the sting.

(Owen)- " Sorry, we should get out of here and tend to that"

(y/n)- " Right" we went over to Claire and the boys.

(Owen)-"Guys- we gotta go"

(Claire)- " Okay- lets go" she pulls on gray and Zach to go ahead of her.

We follow Owen, I held into his brown vest- for comfort, and so I won't lose them.

Claire calls someones, to reach the control room.

(Claire)- " Lowery, I'm on my way back to you. What do you mean "use the Raptors"?"

(Owen)- " son of a Bitch!"

(gray)- " you shouldn't say bitch"

(Owen)- " Take the kids, get them somewhere safe"

(y/n)- " Owen- were sticking with you" The gates that were closed off were banging- and being pushed. What is on the other side of the gate?!

(Owen)- " Run, go!" The gates burst open- people were running getting away from the chaos, thousands of people going past. We run away in the opposite direction. We get inside another jeep. Claire , Zach and gray get in the back seats, I get in the front with Owen. He starts the car

(Claire)- " Go, Faster!" Owen reverses the car into a dead end corner. The stampede of people running past. This doesn't feel safe.

(zach)- " This does not feel safe." I just said that, in my mind.

(y/n)- " Better then being in that stampede"

(gray)- " Can we stay with you?"

(Claire)- " I am never leaving you as long as you live." Claire both hugging them so tightly.

(gray)- "No, him. Yeah, definitely him." the point to Owen, he looks back- surprised that they rather stick with him than with their aunt. Hell, I would stay next to Owen forever if I could.

(y/n)- " Lets just get out of here, we have to go see those raptors"

Another way out. [ Owen Grady x Reader ] (Vol. 1) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now