Chapter 3

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There was a sharp rap on my door as I was applying the finishing touches to my makeup. I ran down the steps to be bumped into naked Brianna.

"Ahhhhh! OH MY LORD put some damn clothes on!" I whisper yelled.

She shrugged and ran for the door before I could stop her, as she opened the door I tackled her down and covered her with a blanket. She was laughing hysterically while trying to get up, I finally looked up to see confused Louis standing there. I sort of dragged her into her bedroom and jogged up to Louis. He was wearing a black shirt that showed all his various tattoos, it was actually kind of hot.

"Hey sorry about that" I panted, he laughed and held the door open signaling for us to go.


We sat down in these old metal chairs. I liked this restaurant, it was an old vintage Italian place.

"Wow this place is great" I breathed as the strung up lights turned on, Louis gave a small smile.

"I couldn't help but notice that you have an American accent. So are you from America?" he asked.

I nodded, "I'm studying at the medicine and technology school on 75th Street." I answered with a mouthful of bread the waitress had just put down. Louis laughed, I felt a slight blush creep up to my cheek.

"Sorry that wasn't very lady like" I frowned.

That  made him laugh harder, by now my face was tomato red. "Okay enough about me let's talk about you. So what bring you to this part of London?" I asked.

"Well it's urban but not to urban. You know. So what are your parents like?" I don't know why but when he said that it kid of hit a nerve.

" Good, they uh don't really call..much. Well I mean they mail me letters and stu- OH! MY GOD! Crud I have to mail a letter to them so it can get there on Friday!"I practically screamed the last part. I looked at Louis who jumped in his seat, I gave him an apologetic look.

"Well I can help you with the letter if you want.." he trailed on.




I pushed open my door, "Hello?" I called out toward Brianna's guest room. No answer.

"Okay c'mon in" I said over my shoulder.

Louis trudged in with his hand in his pocket, he looked around and just stood in front of the door way.

"Nice place" he nodded, I gave a small smile and went to put water on for tea.

"Okay so what do you have to write about" Louis asked.

"Why it is important to answer the phone and not get distracted." Louis looked at me like I was kidding. "Oh your no kidding!"

I just shook my head. Louis grabbed his tummy and laughed, he rolled on his side and laughed even harder.

"Don't mock me" I fake cried. Then the teapot started to whistle, I shot up and took two cups out for tea. When I turned back Louis was sitting on the bar stool spinning.

"One teaspoon or two?" I asked, he held up two and I began stirring. When I looked up Louis was staring into my eyes, I leaned in slightly.

"Megan, would it be okay if I kissed you?" he asked. I bit my lip and nodded my head, we both leaned in and.............BAM! Fireworks.









Oooooo what should there ship name be?!

Mouis? Legan? IDK

Anyway pic of Brianna on the side.

Who knows when I'll update next?

Duhn duhn duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhn


I want more readers ): Im gona cry a river ))))))))))):

-Melly Belly <3

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