Introduction and Rules ((Outdated))

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Hey everyone! As you may know, my main story, Death Note - J, is currently on hiatus. Until things in life settle down a bit, it will be a while before I can get back to that! So for now, I've been writing in this book because I absolutely adore Undertale.

What, there was no way in hickitey heck I was just gonna stop writing altogether when a story went on hiatus. There were a lot of, well uh, mentally exhausting reasons why I can't continue DN-J the way things are now. But this book is perfect therapy! Whenever I have the time and an idea pops into my head, I just write it down on here and love doing it too!

And this line of text is the official ***SPOILER WARNING***

There will be spoilers for pretty much... every route of Undertale, as well as some fan comics/fan fics.

So, beware. At this point I don't know what to label as a spoiler to the story or not since the game has been out for a year now.

And now for some rules, brought to you by MTT Brand™️ Rules and Guidelines setup!

Requests as of now are open! Here are the things I can and cannot do! This is all about ship requests.

*I can and will write about certain ships in this book.

*And there are certain ships I can not write about in this book. First I will explain the ships that make me uncomfortable and will not be writing about.

*Frisk x Any Adult. I'm sorry, Frisk is a child. I am not writing any pedophilic interactions. If you request an absolutely platonic, family-kind of loving moment, don't label it as Frisk x XXX in your request, just simply tell me how you want the interaction to play out.
However, there is one thing I can do about this. If you absolutely need Frisk and one of the adult characters, Frisk will have to be aged up. A great example of this would be yoralim's Echotale, where Frisk is an adult. Any situation like that - that's something I can do. Just please specify that Frisk is going to be an adult in your request or else I will not take it.

This doesn't mean I won't do any other AU! I will write about any of them, but Frisk will be aged up. Or I can age the other characters down. In the work, it may be explicitly stated Frisk isn't a kid anymore, or simply hinted at (which I'll probably do anyway lol). So, yeah!

Don't think I'll only write about AU's where Frisk is canonically an adult, I'll use any of them! My mind tends to do just automatically match their ages when I see them shipped with the older characters haha.

So... basically... just make sure you specify in your request that their age is close or the same as said other character =)

*Okie dokie, here's the ship that's practically my main reason for writing these rules: fontcest. Yeah... It's n o t happening. Period. I will NOT write anything to do with this ship.
The same goes for chasriel. I will not write any romantic interactions between siblings. It makes me very, very uncomfortable so please do not push me to write these.

*I am okay, however, with characters and au versions of themself. This rule may apply to Sans the most, since he has a lot of AU's revolving around him... Anyways, these ships are a-okay in my book! Characters being shipped with themself is very different from being shipped with a family member.
That's right. Ships like honeymustard and edgeberry still count as fontcest.
But I mean if you're requesting afterdeath then how can I possibly say no to that even though I don't know much about it I'm willing to learn a little more about Reaper!Sans since I've been meaning to read Reapertale for a while and the ship seems interesting and I'm lying I'm absolute trash for afterdeath I ship it like FedEx help.

*As far as shipping goes, no smut. Nope. Nuh uh. Sorry. I've never been comfortable with that. If you request it I won't even reply to you saying why I won't do it. So please just do not.
The closest thing you're getting are childish implied jokes and humor.

I think that's about it! As far as other scenarios go, just simply comment or PM me what you'd like to see! Ex: Pasta cook off between Alphys and Papyrus!

You can even add detail to what you want! If it's a quick, general request, I'll come up with a scenario myself. But if there's something specific you want, don't be shy to say so!

Ex 1: Alphyne fluff.

Ex 2: Alphyne fluff. Alphys makes ramen noodles for Undyne.

Ex 3: Alphyne fluff. Alphys makes ramen for Undyne, and as she's cooking, Undyne excitedly steps in and shows her how to make pasta "the right way," which is very fire-inducing. Chaos ensues.

(yeah ignore the jump in detail from 2 to 3 lmao)

Sooooo yeah. Have fun! I hope you like this book! If I cannot take a request even though it's within the rules, I will personally explain to you the situation as to why I cannot take it!


Dedicated to my friends CrumpetsRGood4U and jozefienmusic =)

(((Oh and Cole I'm sorry but there will be spoilers on here. Idk if tagging you was the best idea but I just had to and I'll be more than happy to explain the story to you if you decide to read this before finishing UT <3)))

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