My life is a story book...

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Hey guys! Im new and this my first book! Sorry for the mistakes if there are any! Enjoy! Oh and please vote and comment! I would love to read any wonderful ideas you might have!!



I picked up my bag and ran towards the door, i turn my head quickly to the left then to the right, checking to see if the coast was clear. I take a turn left and run down to the first floor. I pause in my tracks resting my hands on my knees to catch my breath.

In the distance i can hear faint screams of my name. Without looking back i start to run again, i don't stop until i reach the school parking lot and get into my car. I turn on the engine and hit the gas pedal. I have to get out of here.

I pick up my phone and press Niall's number and wait for my phone to ring.

"Hello?" the voice at the other end of the line was thick and heavy in an irish accent.

"Ummm...Niall?" I say slowly

"Yes?" He says in confusion

"My school found out...." I speak in a solemn voice knowing he would be disappointed in me. I hear him sigh on the other end.

"Howww?" he practically whines the words through his cell phone.

"I don't know!! I swear!! All the sudden i was being chased!!" I try to quickly explain what has happened at the short amount of time i was at school.

"Where are you now?" he asks

"Im headed to your place, is that alright?"

"Yes, thats fine." I hear him say and hang up the phone

I press the end button and set my phone on my lap. And put both of my hands on the steering wheel.

Before i know it I'm pulling into Niall's driveway and onto his door step. I take an deep breath and knock on the wooden door. I hear footsteps approaching, i watch as the door swings wide open and to have a cute, blonde, irish boy standing under the door frame. He gestures his hand for me to come inside. I smile and step into his perfectly clean and neat house. No scratch that.... Mansion. I walk straight into his living room knowing i have been here so many times before.

I take a seat on the couch, tucking my hair behind my ear and waiting for Niall to demand an explanation.

He takes a seat next to me, plopping down rather than sitting. I look up from my eyelashes and wait for him to speak.

"Talk." he says

"Well....." I begin "I was just sitting in English, writing a paper about the differences between ancient and modern hollywood stars, when all the sudden BAM!" I throw my hands in the air at add affect the the story. "Last thing i know is I'm being chased down the hall!"

"Okay... so how do you know that it was about us??" He says

"I don't. But I suggest that because why else would they chase me down a hall??"

"Good point" he sighs and sits up resting his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands.


"Do you want something to eat?" I ask her.

She nods her head yes and follows me onto the kitchen.

"Zayn, Liam, Harry, and Louis should be here soon. I invited them over a while ago, so they should be here any second"

*ding dong ding* the door bell sounds throughout my mostly empty mansion.

"Can you grab that?" i turn from the sandwiches I'm making and look at Noel. Her green-blue river rock eyes answer my question for me as she walks towards the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2013 ⏰

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