A Castle

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A/n : This was actually a homework for my english class 😂 I hope you like it~
My name's Meira, princess of the Joarga Kingdom. Is a big kingdom who has a lot of connections to other kingdoms too. Not to mention close ones. One day, our royal family went to a castle called Wilhelm castle to visit an old friend. We were treated very grandiousely, so each of us got a private guest suite. I was relieved, but then i remembered what the town's people said about this castle. They said that it is haunted by a spirit that died in a very violent way in this very castle. The rumours also said that the spirit is trying to get vengeance to satistfy itself. Well, me myself do not believe in ghosts, so i just ignored them.

Later that night, my family and i went to the dining room to have dinner with our old friend, Mr. And Mrs. Garcia. We had a great time, chatting cheerfully and laughing whole-heartedly. Then, Mr. Garcia offered us to have a dance party to celebrate this reunion tomorrow.

The next night, the ball was already set. With a lot of people dancing happily. Just when i stepped in, the light and all of the music went off, making it extremely dark. Strangely, the people around me didn't scream. No light, no sound, nothing. It was eerily quiet. Then the light turned on again, and now i'm staring at nothing. The ballroom is utterly empty.

"Um, is there anybody here?," my voice croaked.

I'm starting to get nervous. So i ran out of the ball room and into the private guest quarters. I went to my parents' room. There was no one. I checked the guard's post, no one, i checked all of the corners of the castle, still no one.

"No one, no one, NO ONE!!," i yelled in frustration. I swear i could hear my hearbeat pounding really hard in my head.

I walked slowly on the palace's hallways, wondering what to do, not knowing where to go. The light was dim, but i couldn't care less. Then i notices something. A silhouette. A lady's silhouette, sitting on a chair, heads down. I was so glad i finally found someone. So i ran to her and tapped her shoulder. She didn't budge. I tried talking to her, but never got the chance, when she turned to face me. Even though it's quite dark, I could still see her face. But she doesn't have one! I ran away from her. But anywhere i go, she's always there. Then suddenly, i'm cornered. She strangled me very hard, i think it'll leave a scar. I tried to kick her but couldn't. All i can do is whimper.

Then suddenly, the lights turned on, and the lady released me, smiling. Then she grabbed her face, and pulled it. The face changed to my father's, and a lot if people gathered around me. My mom held a cake, and they all said, " Happy Birthday!!," leaving me gaping.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2016 ⏰

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