Story of an hour TRUC

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Short Story Analysis: The Story of An Hour by Kate Chopin

I. THE STORY OF AN HOUR                      

by Kate Chopin


Mrs. Mallard is told by her sister Josephine that Mr. Mallard’s name is amongst those who were in a railroad accident. Upon hearing of her husband’s death, Mrs. Mallard cries at once in Josephine’s arms. Then Mrs. Mallard goes to her room after that storm of grief has passed. However, when she is alone in her room, her grief is replaced by a feeling of relief and happiness because at last, she will be free for the rest of her life. And though she has loved him sometimes, she frequently has not loved him. She is already thinking of the long days ahead that will just be for her alone. But the happiness and excitement go “ppfftt” when Mr. Mallard comes home: he was far from the accident’s scene. The story closes with Mrs. Mallard’s death, which is of “the joy that kills” according to the doctors.



1.   Mrs. Louise Mallard - Developing and Round

2.   Josephine – Static and Flat

3.   Richards – Static and Flat

4.   Mr. Brently Mallard – Static and Flat


a)  Introduction

This short story opens with the explanation that Mrs. Mallard has a heart problem.

b)  Rising Action

Because of such heart condition, her sister Josephine must break the news of Mr. Mallard’s death in the most acceptable manner.

c)  Climax

Even though Mrs. Mallard breaks into tears and grief, these are overpowered by happiness and relief when she is already alone in her room.

 d) Falling action

Mrs. Mallard’s excitement is shattered when she sees her husband alive.

 e)   Denouement

      Mrs. Mallard dies from a heart attack upon seeing her husband alive.


a)  place – in Mr. and Mrs. Mallard’s home

b)  time- sometime in the 19th century

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 02, 2012 ⏰

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