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          Bill's POV

   I stand there running my slender fingers through silky blonde bangs waiting at the bottom of the stairs for my little sapling. 

   Dipper Pines.

    I still remember the day I asked him to be mine, me being nervous as hell, all red and sitting in front of him and asking the question, "Will you go out with me?" then it was his turn to turn red he hugged me and said, "Yess!!" 

    Good memories. Good memories.

       I smiled ,  I always smiled when I remember that day. Being with him is the greatest, he makes me feel so full and completed. I love him so dearly. I never want to lose him ever if I do, I'll be confused and lost.

    "Bill! Hey Bill!!"  I hear a familiar voice I turned around and saw my precious little Sapling, with Shooting star and her friends behind her even Llama. Sapling got to the bottom of the stairs and i hugged him tightly, " Oh my dear little Sapling!!~~" I purred kissing his forehead causing the small male to blush and stuttered ," I thought-t I said t-to not call-l me S-sapling!!"

    " You know you love it~~" I purred, he pouted and buried his face in my chest, I smiled at the sight and chuckled "Your so cute you know?"

    "Whatever." he grumbled in my chest. 

  " SHIP!! SHIP !! SHIP!! SHIP!!" I heard Shooting Star chant, I laughed. 

    My sapling and I pulled apart from each other next thing you noticed is that Candy  ran up and hugged my Sapling...... MY SAPLING......

     I really don't mind her having a crush on him, but she just can't take him away from me like all the time. I mean there is already people taking him away from me like when  I want to hug him,  I can't because people would get in the hug or just hug themselves!! AND DO YOU KNOW HOW FUCKING PISSED  I GET ABOUT THAT IT'S LIKE ALWAYS A ROUTINE A DAMN ROUTINE !! 

     I mean he is all cute and adorable, but please can I have a time with him alone. 

    I see Candy snuggling Pinetree, just smiling and hugging her back, I clenched my fist, anger crawling on my back, while I glared at the shorter girl. Dipper glanced at me and i faked a smiled at him till he looked away from and puled away from the shorter girl while i went back to glaring at her secretly. "Hey bro-bro, I"m going to to be with Candy and Grenda today  with Pacifica for a sleepover, so I'll see you tomorrow!! " 

 "Okay, I'll be walking home with Bill and I'll tell Grunkle Stan." 

"Thanks bro-bro!! Bye Dipper!!" Shooting star waved goodbye, with Llama, Grenda and Candy doing the same thing. But Candy does something unexpected she went up to MY DIPPER and kissed his cheek and ran off blushing like crazy. 

     I gritted my teeth and sink my nails into the palms of my hands and growled lowly, I grabbed Dipper's wrist dragging him out of the High school other entrance.  I grabbed his face and pulled him closed to me " Your mine and Mine Only!! YOU SHOULDN'T LET HER DO THAT!! YOUR MINE AND MINE ONLY!! I DON"T WANT HER TO STEAL YOU AWAY FROM ME !! IF SHE DOES I'LL.... be lost....." I begin tearing up and shake my head, I sniffled and looked at Dipper and grabbed his face, smashing my lips against his.

    I feel him tensed at my touch but slowly relaxing, kissing me back. I smiled and pulled away "I love you.." 

 "I love you too Bill," He smiled at me and pecked my lips.
 " You know I didn't know you would get super jealous, she's just a friend that's all."

 I coughed and looked away heat crawling up my cheeks "S-shut up.... Let's-s just get you home-e" My little sapling laughed and kissed my cheek.  I never want to loose him.

(( I finally wrote another Billdip!! Yay!! Sorry for my grammar and I hope you enjoyed it, my little dumplings!!! and this story is kinda how I felt for the first week of school for me to be honest..... Any who~~~~ Thank ya'll for reading!!))

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