The Twins

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"Tess. Tess!" The blonde haired girl shook her twin. The now dark haired blonde opened her eyes to look up at her sister grumpily.
"Get up, we have to get ready."
Tessa rolled over.
"I don't want to go."
"Tess, get up."
"Alright, I'm up." Tessa swung her legs to the side of the bed and stood up. She yawned and stretched her arms over her head before getting ready for the day.
"We have to go!"
"I'm coming!"
Tessa grabbed her board and bag before heading out the door with her sister. It was their first day at Ashton High. They had moved there after their dad passed away and basically their mom just packed up everything and was like, uhm, we're leaving. So they moved to a small town in California called Riverside. It was just near the beach, which was ironic, considering the town was called Riverside. The first thing they did when they got to the school was go to the office to get their schedule. After sitting through a boring lecture about rules and whatnot, they finally received their schedules and they walked out, looking at the paper to see what their first class was.
"What do you have?" Casey asked.
"Uh, history, what about you?"
"I have science. What about second?" They compared their schedule to find out they had math, art, english, and health together.
"Four out of seven isn't bad," Casey responded and Tessa nodded.
"We should probably go to class though." Casey agreed and they began walking to their first class. As they were walking, they bumped into someone. Literally. Actually, it was two someones. Tessa looked up to see two guys. They both had dark hair and dark eyes. One of them was wearing a grey sweater with jeans and Vans and the other was wearing the same except he had a blue sweater instead.
"You okay? Sorry, didn't mean to bump into you," the boy with the blue sweater apologized.
"It's..alright," Tessa responded.
"Well..alright. I'm Grayson and this is my twin brother, Ethan," the same boy who apologized spoke.
"I'm Tessa and this my twin sister, Casey."
"Well, it's nice to meet you Tessa and Casey," Grayson smiled, showing perfectly white straight teeth and only one word went through both girls' minds:

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2016 ⏰

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