1: Welcome to Palmyra

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Word Count: 2,239

The warmth from the sun bares down harshly on my face and neck although it did nothing to shield out the bite of the cold. I zip up my jacket mid-way to my chest in hopes of warming myself further. The gloves on my hands did nothing to warm my frozen fingers. I was not in my element. This wasn't Texas. It was Maine.

Standing in front of this home was symbolic to me. It represented everything I went through to get to this moment. It represented the struggles and hardships I faced. And for that I was proud.

It was all mine.

Taking a deep breath, I take the final few steps to the doorstep of my new home. The door was a light mint color, thanks to my mother. She said it would give off a homey feel to anyone that happened to pass by.

I didn't believe that.

Looking down at my feet, my doormat had 'Welcome' in large bold print. I move my feet against it to remove the offending dirt from my shoes.

Retrieving the key from my pocket, I shove it quickly into the lock and turn it, hearing the satisfying click.

The moment of truth.

Pushing the door open, I was greeted with exactly what I wanted with hints of my mother here and there. My color scheme for my home was mainly neutral. I wanted it to be tame to the eye and aesthetically pleasing.

Doing a 360° spin and inhaling deeply, I smile.

It was perfect.

Making my way to my bedroom, it was all me. The movers had taken the liberty of arranging everything where it needed to go. My clothes had been strategically hung up and stored by color. That had to have been my sisters doing. She was very particular when it came to things like that.

I could see that she had also taken the audacity to line up my shoes and organize them as well by color. They looked amazing. I needed to thank her later.

Taking some time to adjust some objects that weren't to my liking, I was startled out of my organizing haze by the shrill shriek of my cell phone.

I could hear it vibrating against my desk table and I quickly make my way to the device. I pick it up and look at the Caller ID.


The very person that I have been trying to avoid. The person that is the reason why I moved so far away from my hometown. However, he helped make getting this house a reality. I owed him at least this phone call.

Hesitantly, I pressed the green answer button and push the phone to my ear wondering what he had to say.


His rich and gravely voice floats through the phone as if he had just awoken from a deep slumber. He told me once that he liked to talk to me when his thoughts were empty and pure; fresh from sleep.

He had always been the only one to always call me by my full name. Even my parents resorted to the shorter version.


His voice always made me shiver even in the slightest when he said my name. There was always an underlying tone to it that made me on edge and grip on to his every word.

I could hear his deep breathing as he awaited my response. "Yes..?"

There was a bit of rustling in the background. "Are you finding everything in order and to your liking?"

Looking around, there was only one answer appropriate. I always kept my words short and clipped around him. 

"Yes. Thank You." There was a brief pause as if he were trying to find a different meaning of my words.

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