Chapter One: Closer?

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•This is honestly going to suck, I just know it LOL. I think I'm going to update based on year, this happened from 6th until now almost 11th grade.. it's an ongoing thing and I'll probably update with anything new once I'm up to where I am now...but I may merge the shorter years, and make the longer ones into multiple chapters...idk I'm new to this. 🙂. But hi guys, my names Caleigh, I'm almost 17 years old... and this is the story about the love of my life..•


It was 6th grade. I was young, naive, didn't know the meaning of 'love'. I always felt secure in a relationship, so I always had to have a 'boyfriend.' I was with a guy named Trevor. I thought I loved him. and he introduced me to his friends Seth and Timothy. we got a long well for a while.. then Trevor and I broke up. Seth, Tim, and I drifted apart.
Trevor suddenly appeared again during the summer between 7th and 8th grade. I let him back in. He was extremely verbally and mentally abusive towards me. He would tell me when I could speak, chastise me if I said the wrong things, but he never laid a fist on me. I thought this was normal. I didn't know any better.

it just so happened to be that Seth was dating my best friend at the time, Alexa. With them being together I started talking to Seth a lot more. He wasn't a great guy to Alexa, lied a lot. but I could tell he was a sweetheart.

School started back up in September and everything was going good between Seth and Alexa, and Trevor and I.

Months came and went, in November we went on a school trip to swaders and Seth and I grew a little closer.

we talked occasionally.. he'd always text me 'Hay beautiful..' I found it awkward for a while.. December comes and as we're waiting for Christmas break, Trevor and I break up for what seems like the billionth time. it just so happens that it was Seths birthday the same day he left me so, I came up with this 'ingenious' plan to get back at Trevor.

Seth and Trevor had physics together and I had gym across the school, so the bell rings and I sprint up the hallway and yell " SETH!!" and hug him making sure Trevor sees me whisper 'happy birthday' into Seths ear.
You could tell by the look on his face he was angry...

a few weeks go by without any incidents and then February rolls around. the 'Sweetheart' dance as they liked to call it happened on February 14th 2014.

Trevor and I were still talking but I didn't really believe it was official. I hung out with my best friend Heather and her boyfriend Juan and my friend Kris.
At some point in the night I had this crazy urge to kiss someone... (wow hoe alert.) so I ran to kristopher, knowing he liked me. I marched straight up to him and said "kiss me." and we made out on the dance floor,
until suddenly this girl named Sydney goes 'what are you doing?!' and I look at her with tears brimming in my eyes and run outside, knowing she will tell Trevor what I did...

I got out of the sweaty dance and hung outside in the hallway...
there were window sills with little seats underneath and a group of my friends were all gathered around there.

I walked over and mumbled hello to Sam, Rachel, Timothy, Seth and Dontrell.
everyone immediately asked what was wrong and I just shrugged it off, trying to hold back tears.. Sam hugged me, and I smiled, and I noticed Rachel and Seth holding hands.
"OMG?! are y'all together??' I exclaimed. Rachel just nodded and smiled. I was happy for them.

Seth and I were not very close and I heard rumors about him cheating so I was wary, considering Rachel and I had been friends since kindergarten. I especially didn't trust him because he hurt Alexa. The night continued on for a while, I was still being a baby and whining in the corner.. Seth and Rachel went to dance with Tim and some girl I don't remember the name of.

I was lost in my own thoughts looking solemn as hell when Seth barged through The doors and walked up to me holding his arm out saying 'hug?' I shook my head no and Sam beside me chuckles and says 'aw poor Seth he never gets denied hugs.' I shrugged, and got up to walk back to the hot gymnasium/make-shift dance floor.

the night continued on without incident and once 9 o'clock rolled around I was ready to go home.
as we were all leaving I found my phone dead and no way to contact my mom, so I ran to the first familiar face I saw.... that person being Seth of course (*insert angry face*) he let me use his phone to call my mom and after finding where she was I had asked Seth to walk me to her car (I have major anxiety...I hate doing things by myself, no matter how small. and that was the end of that night.

OKAYYYYY so I think I'm gonna end this chapter here... it's so long ugh, and 8th grade isn't even over yet LOL. idk I hope this turns out good... it's just a jumbled mess right now trying to get every detail out I'll probably go back and add detail later when I edit but yeah.

I hope y'all like my boring life . hah.
•August 27, 2016•

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2016 ⏰

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