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I never wanted to go on this trip. I was going to spend all summer tucked in NYC. But with my single mom as my roommate in our penthouse she urged me to get out and explore the world.

I loved the view of people walking below my window, the sound of people and cars in the city that never slept. Walking through Times Square and being welcomed by the feel of people around me.

I've always loved people. Each one had a story, friends, family, inside jokes. That's why I loved NYC. So many people to see and meet.

So going to a small town in Oregon was not my idea of a fun summer. It is called Florence and it has a population of 8,466. New York has a population of close to 8.5 million. Really big difference.

New places aren't exactly my thing either. I was fine in New York. Familiar sights and sounds that had a special place in my heart. But things here were different.

When our plane had touched down, I saw green, and lots of it. A forest had covered one side of the worn out runway. The sun danced on the east sky, breaking its way through the trees in a way that took my breath away. It was beautiful, and so exotic to my eyes. I had only seen trees in streets. Now looking at these trees, I could hardly call the ones in New York twigs.

It was a lot for me. I was nervous at first. Taking my first step into a new world. A place I would call home for 4 months. 

So I had gathered my courage and pushed my self off the white leather seat. My feet hadn't wanted to move. So I took in a shaky breath and urged my feet forward. My feet moved faster and faster. Excitement rushed through me and adrenaline coursed through my veins. I got to the door.

I stopped dead in my tracks. What if I hate it here? What if everyone hates me? What if something happens? What if I loose mom?

What if? What if? I'm a girl of what ifs. There has never been a situation that I haven't thought of a what if. I've never been brave, or really sure about myself.

"Always doubting yourself." My dad would say that to me when I was very young. One of the only memories I had left of him.

But I needed to stop saying what if and get on with life. Not healed back by voices in my head that shouldn't mean anything. Yet they did.

My assistant, Natalie, was behind me and reached out to open the door. I held up my hand and she pulled hers away. I wanted my first experience out side of the city to be special.

I would be independent. I needed to clear my mind. I tried to rid it of its old self. It's hard to change yourself in .3 seconds though.

So I pushed on the door. I dident budge. I pushed my body against it and it dident move. Great start.

Natalie tapped my shoulder and I turned to face the brunette. I gave a confused look at her. She held up a  key.

"Oh, yeah, sorry." I stated awkwardly. I moved back a little and she brushed past me. She put the key in the door and turned it.

The smell immediately hit my nose. A strong mix of pine and salt from the sea put me at ease. It was comforting and yet completely alien to me. Almost familiar.

Yankee Candle would kill for this. Great first thought.

The humidity was strong and I could feel the moisture lock on to me. I walked down the steps, my silver heels making a clinking sound that always reminded me of power.

Something of which I had a lot of. Anything I want I could have. But I tried to be humble. But the again being the daughter of a Beauty Mogul had its perks. But you'll see more if that later.

I could tell I was going to like it here.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2016 ⏰

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