In Memory Of...

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Baekhyun's POV

"Hi baby. Did you miss me? I said as I sat down beside his grave and placed the flowers I bought for him beside his tombstone.

"Happy 5th anniversary and 3rd death anniversary" I greeted him as I also placed the cake I bought for him beside his tombstone

"Sorry I wasn't able to visit you yesterday. There were too much work. By the way, your mom just went to the market to run some errands. But don't worry, she said she'll visit you later."

I stared at the date printed on his tombstone as I slide my palm across the name printed on it.

"It's been three years since you left."

I already felt like crying

"I still haven't moved on, you know that?" I smiled but tears were already starting in my eyes.

"I miss you so much, baby. I wish you hadn't left so early." Then and there, I was already crying as I reminisced the memories Chanyeol and I had together.

I still remember the first day Chanyeol and I met. Unlike other couples who started out as acquaintances, Chanyeol and I met through our parents when we were still kids. He used to bully me everyday by calling me "baby smurf" because of my shortness and I would tease him back by calling him "giant" because of his tallness that's not fit for his age. The both of us went to the same school and our parents would always request for the two of us to be classmates. Basically, we were tied to each other from pre-school up to high school. When we were at our junior year in high school, Chanyeol bullied me more often than before. I didn't mind though, because ever since then, I already have a secret crush on him. In the middle of the school year, I really didn't know how it happened or how it started but the two of us became extremely close. I suck at Economics class and Chanyeol was really good at it so whenever I didn't understand a lesson, I would ask him to explain it for me again, and he does it willingly. I love it when he smiles the entire time he's reteaching me the lesson. It's quite funny how I can't focus sometimes because I get distracted by his stare. Before I even knew it, I was already in love with him.

One day, I tried to talk to him. And the whole time we were talking, he was giving me that smile of his that really captivates me. "He looks so cute" I thought. And on the same day, Chanyeol professed his love for me. I was lost for words, I didn't know what to feel. It's like the most beautiful thing I've ever heard so far in my entire life. Being loved by the person you love the most is the most heavenly thing I could ever imagine. After a few moments of shock, I also confessed that I love him too.

We were already in the dating stage but we weren't an official couple yet. Even though we're dating, we decided to lay off the affections like holding hands, hugging, or whatsoever. But after three days or so, we were already doing it. When we walk home together on the streets, he would held my hand so tightly as if I would get lost, but of course, it's fine with me. I even find it sweet of him. At times, he would hug me tight before we part ways from each other each night. Chanyeol is also fond of covering my eyes from behind and saying "I love you" whenever he could. And he is used to calling me "my angel."

When we were in the senior year of high school, we had a really big argument. It was like a month before graduation. We hadn't spoken to each other for a very long time. We would just ignore each other and pass by each other without saying a word. A day before graduation, it was a rainy night, but then Chanyeol went to our house without any umbrella or anything that would protect him from the pouring rain that's why he was soaking wet. "Why are you here?" I asked "Baekhyun, I need to talk to you, please." Chanyeol started and I nodded softly to let him know that I'm listening. Then he continued "I miss you so much, baby. I'm so sorry. I'm the one who started. I should've apologized to you earlier but my pride got the best of me." I just stared at him and my demeanor softened. I didn't really know what to respond so I just asked him "Why didn't you bring an umbrella?" Chanyeol smiled a bit as he said "because nothing is more important right now, even myself or my safety, but to apologize to you and have you back in my life. Please come back to me, baby. I-I love you so much." he pleaded. I stared at him for a moment. "Will you still forgive and accept me, my angel?" Chanyeol asked. Tears fell down from my right eye as I smiled and hugged him even though he was soaking wet. "Of course, baby. Of course I forgive you. I love you that much to let you go."

After 5 years, we graduated from college ad we already became an official couple after 6 years of dating. I would usually have dinner in their house because his mother would always invite me and same goes for my mother who invites Chanyeol to eat lunch with us during the weekend. After two years, my parents decided that I should live alone so they bought a house in the countryside and had lived there, leaving me alone in our house in the city. I still wasn't used to living alone and I was too scared to sleep alone at night, knowing I have no companion in the house. After telling this to Chanyeol, he would go to my house every night. He would sit down beside me at my bed until I have already fallen asleep and then wakes me up every morning by calling me through my phone. He would also go to my house every morning, bringing the food his mother prepared for us and have breakfast together. After eating, he would accompany me to work before going to his.

One night, it was raining hard and I got so scared because of the lightning, thunder, and the strong blows of wind. I was lying on my bed and Chanyeol was beside me. I couldn't sleep because of fear and because it was so cold that night. Chanyeol asked me what's wrong and I told him. "Don't be scared, Baek." he smiled "I'm still here, I won't leave you." and then he hugged me. I felt safe for a moment because I was wrapped in the arms of my lover. I sat down and Yeol did too. "What's wrong, Baek?" he asked. I smiled a bit as I said "Thank you, Yeol, for everything." I saw him smile despite of the darkness on the room. Chanyeol slowly leaned closer and closer to me as he held my cheek with his palm. Close enough until our lips were already locked with each other. It was our first kiss ever. After a few seconds, Chanyeol already broke the kiss and said "I love you so much, Baek." I smiled and I willingly gave back the kiss he gave me by kissing him once more. I don't know how it happened that the kiss was already too passionate, we were already lying down, Chanyeol on top of me. He was passionately kissing my neck and all I could do was close my eyes in pleasure. He slowly unbuttoned my shirt and then took his off. He kissed me once more on the lips. More passionately and aggressively than before. He broke the kiss for a while as he whispered "We belong together, Baek." and then kissed the side of my neck, just below the ear, and had slowly ran his warm lips down to my shoulders. I felt his warm breathe upon my wintery skin as I replied "Of course, Yeol. Forever." He placed a soft kiss on my forehead as he repeated what i said "Forever." It was the first night of our lives that we made passionate love to each other.

Four days before our 2nd anniversary, I was at work when Chanyeol's mother phoned me. "Baekhyun, I-I'm sorry to disturb you but... I need to tell you something." His mother started. "Why? W-What's wrong, Mrs. Park? I asked, already nervous for I didn't know what was going on. "Chanyeol's at the hospital. He had a heart attack according to his officemates. He's still on coma." His mother continued and I was already panicking. "uhh-umm o-okay, I-I'll be there as fast as I could!" I said as I ended the call, left the office and rushed to the hospital.

After 4 days, it was already our anniversary, and yet Chanyeol is still unconscious. "Yeol, baby, are you still sleepy? Don't you want to wake up now? It's our 2nd anniversary." I said, half-smiling. I was alone at the hospital because I sent Yeol's mother home for her to get some rest after 3 days of staying awake through the night. I looked at him as I said "Yeol, please stay with me." I felt Chanyeol's fingers twitched and I quickly shifted my eyes to the angiogram, which a few minutes ago, was showing zigzag lines in motion, but now is already just a straight line. My eyes widened in panic. "Baby? Chanyeol? Chanyeol?!" I said as tears were already running down my cheeks "Nurse! Doctor! Someone please help! Chanyeol is dying!" I shouted and the doctors came rushing in. As they were trying to revive Chanyeol, the nurse had sent me out. I tried to resist her but it was no use. I was outside of the room, praying that everything will be okay. "Yeol, stay with me, baby please." I kept on saying. After a few minutes, the doctor came out with an expression on his face that I could already read, but I had to make sure I was wrong. "I can't be right" I thought. I can't be. "Doctor, is he..." I started, but the doctor said "I'm very sorry, but..." tears were starting to fall out from my eyes. " We did all that we can, really. But he didn't make it." the doctor said. "He gave up too easily," I thought, crying harder than ever. That moment, my one and only love, Chanyeol, was already gone. He already left me. He gave up.

And he didn't even ask me to marry him.

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