A Beautiful Dreamer

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She was simply a beautiful dreamer.

A girl with auburn red hair and sparkling emerald eyes. Her hair reminded you of Autumn, as in the fall time the colours are so vivid, it is unbelievable. To him, Autumn was his favourite season because it always made him think of her. There was something about Autumn that can make you fall in love with it. The toasty smell of Apple Pie. The warmth of an Indian summer, and the leaves that begin to fall off trees and turn into magnificent colours. It's all so perfect! However her emerald eyes were the kind you could get lost in and of course, he did.

Romanticizing about love and life were often the one and only thoughts on her ever-changing mind. She knew she had one of them planned out. For it was him. It was life that she wanted to leave a mystery. In her heart she ignited the feeling of wanderlust. Daydreaming about places that were oceans away from the town she grew up in. Endless long days and nights of living the same old routine was far from what she imagined her life to be like. Instead she dreamed of awaiting adventure full of new places, people to meet, passionate romance with the man whom she loved deeply, and finding out that the rest of her life was not just a mystery, but waiting to be discovered and carved into one perfect picture. Though happiness was certainly key, he defiantly fulfilled that. Hoping luck that takes the form of serendipity might be around the next corner, will unfold and be the most exciting chapter of her life.

On a lovely summers evening, sitting on her front porch, she watched the night sky disappear. Before her eyes, a beautiful sun set rose, and as the sky illuminated with an explosion of colour, like a watercolour painting, it reminded her with one of her favourite songs by Coldplay. "It was all yellow", were some of the lyrics. While humming to the sound of her favourite tune, she continued to write down plans for trips she wasn't taking in her 'little black book of travels'. But right then she realized something. It was a sudden realization that only caught her mind at that very moment, and struck her inner most core for it was the greater truth. Deep in thought while gazing up at the sky, the curiosity of knowing what's beyond her small town life was too overwhelming. A spark inside of her broke, like an electric force.

Within minutes she packed her suitcase and grabbed her book of travels from the countertop along with a pen. It was a feeling she felt so spontaneously. Excitement was rushing like adrenaline through her body. Soon enough she could tick off those places she'd only been able to write in ink, and by tomorrow she was going to be on a plane, flying over oceans and seeing the world from a new perspective. For he was going along with her.

This was just the beginning of her greatest adventure yet. Those dreams that she wildly thought about and her 'little black book of travels' were on the brink of reality.

She was simply a girl on the verge of extraordinary.

A little writers note:

Hi all! So I wrote this last year and it was the first thing I've had actually ever written. It's about the feeling of wanderlust. Dreaming of travelling and trying new experiences. I've always loved to travel and stepping outside my comfort zone in a new city or place. I also feel that no matter how old you are, it's never too late to travel and no matter how young you are, it's good to dream because they could turn into reality one day.


ps. love only and travel often

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2016 ⏰

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