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"Please... " I begged with the little energy I have left. "Don't throw me out right now please! "

"You will leave now!" He commanded. Staring at me with eyes full of hatred. "You are disgusting" he added.

"Please.. "I pleaded with teary eyes. It is late at night. Not only that, it is raining heavily. If he throw me out I will have nowhere to go. I'm getting scared.

"Get out now!" he shouted making me stumble and hit the wall behind me. Is this not what you wanted?" He asked coming closer. "You wanted to marry me. You have got your wish. But living with me will be hell for you." His gaze scrutinizing me and burning my insides.

"Please just don't throw me out. Not tonight, not in this rain." I begged with the little I have left.

"Your innocent act won't work on me save it!" He dragged me towards the door. I jerked away from him falling down on the floor. He turned to look at me.
I stood up determined to make him not to throw me out.

"I beg of you to let me stay, think of me like you would your sister." My voice cracking at the end.

He slapped me! It stings! But it is nothing compared to the pain in my heart.

"How dare you compare yourself with my sister!" He yelled. "You are nothing close to her. You are a whore, a witch!"

I'm not a whore! I wanted to scream at him but I don't have the energy to do that. He opened the door,dragging me he pushed me outside and locked the door. The sound of the rain is the only thing I could hear. I'm already soaked. Even if I keep knocking he won't hear it over the rain. He won't even open the door for me. The throbbing headache begin to make its presence known. Scared and exhausted,i walked around to a corner of the house and sat. There is little roofing and half of my body is exposed to the rain. I have never felt this vulnerable and scared. I close my eyes tightly to shut out my current environment.

"Subhanallah, Subhanallah," I begin to murmur repeatedly.

Ya Allah help me.

"Hey! Hey!" Someone called out from the background kicking me with his legs. I opened my eyes. It's too bright making me close them again. I opened them again. I'm sitting outside where I slept last night. The sun is already up.
I most have been exhausted to be able to sleep through this.

"What are you still doing here?" Ahmed asked. He is dressed for work with his car keys dangling in his hand and a briefcase in the other hand.

"Leave now! I have already locked the house. So don't even think you will get in while I'm gone."

"Where should I go to?" I asked him and he just shrugged his shoulders in and I don't care way.

"It seems I have to go back to aunty Hafsa like this." I murmured to myself. That caught his attention and he turned to look at me in an instant.

"You are a devil you can't go to her like this." He panicked looking at me.

"I have nowhere else to go." I replied trying to get up. He searched his pocket. Taking out a bunch of keys he threw it at me.
"Get inside you manipulative witch!" With that he went away.
I dragged my body back to the inside of the house. I wish I have someone I could turn to. I made my way to the toilet and performed ablution for I missed my morning prayer. I tried to pray while standing but I feel dizzy so I leaned my back on the drawer and managed to pray. I searched for my phone where I left it yesterday and I found it on the bed. I dialed my only friend. On the third ring she picked up.

"Zara," she called.

"Can you come over now?" I asked her.

"What? Now? She asked? What about your husband?" She sounds worried. I smiled feeling happy that she is worried about me.

"He is out for work. Please come over. "

She was silent for a while. "Okay.
I will let my mom know. I will come over."

"Thank you." And I hanged up.

I lay still on the praying mat staring at the ceiling. What is talking her so long? I checked my phone again it's almost two hours. What is taking her too long? Is she not coming? I left the door open so that she can let herself in. I heard the door opening and closing and I concluded that she is here. She opened my door without needing to knock.

"Zara," she called when she spotted me.

"You came." I smiled.

"What are you doing there ?"she scolded coming to sit near me.
What happened?

"I want to tell you something. I want to tell someone for the first time. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you earlier. I swear I trusted you. I just couldn't bring myself to say it."

She stared at me. "Have you eaten? I know you would do this that Is why I made something for you before I came."

She dragged a bag beside her. "You should eat this before you tell me what ever it is you want to talk about."

I smiled at her. "You act like my mother."

She rolled her eyes at me. "You should take some hot tea before eating. It will help you eat. Come on." she dragged me to the kitchen.

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