Chapter 30

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Thanks for staying with me for 30 chapters, loves!

Lots have dropped out, but if you're reading, I send you virtual money and hugs with air kisses.

At the end of this chapter, I'll do a face reveal, just because.

A valid reason to read the chapter. XD

Well, here you go.

Hermione's POV:

I gagged.

Already, the smell of blood was overpowering.

It was strong and metallic.

I resisted the urge to try to shake the blood off my hand.

I just didn't know what to do.

I knew I had to do something, but what?!!?

I decided to take him to the local hospital.

I grabbed his wrist and apparated away.

We ended up in front of the hospital.

Draco instantly slumped onto the ground.

Suddenly, someone that was walking down the sidewalk down the street stopped.

She ran to me

She had short brown hair, in a stylish pixie cut.

Emma Watson's new haircut, ya'lls.

I held Draco's wrist tightly.

"Do you need help?" She asked.

I nodded.

"I accidentally hit him in the nose, and he's bleeding..." I trailed off.

She nodded.

"Hey! This girl needs help!" She shouted.

Several people on the sidewalk ran over.

"Can you help carry him in?" She asked.

Several of the men that had ran over nodded.

The woman, who was called Rose, eased my fingers away from Draco's wrist.

I felt a silent tear run down my cheek.

I watched as the men carried Draco into the hospital.

I started to go after him, but Rose held me back.

"Here. Come with me, I'll help you."

"No." I said.

"No, come with me!" She said.

I took a breath, about to scream.

She clapped her hand over my mouth.

I looked around.

There were no cars, no people.

I was going to get kidnapped.

I had to take this into my own hands.

I elbowed her hard in the stomach.

She groaned, lifting her hand off my mouth.

I ran for the hospital.

I bolted inside.

I quickly asked the man at the front desk where Draco was, and he told me the room number.

I was shocked.

It was 394.

Ok that made me emotional.


Well, sorry for the super slow updates....

As I promised, here is a face reveal.

No filter and no makeup:

No filter and no makeup:

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.


Its my new profile picture....

Its my new profile picture

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

And just because.

I don't even know anymore.

Well, I hope that you enjoy this face reveal.

Lots of love and Potter vibes, Vanessa

A New Beginning[On Hold]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora