Chapter 1 Zach and Sean

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His heart  pumping, the feel of the ball leaving his hand then returning. All of a sudden, Stop. He pulls back the ball as the clock races 3………...2…….. he takes the shot…….0.

The ball was in the air for about 5 seconds, felt like forever to him. The ball hits the rim rolling around the inside like a toilet bowl getting flushed. Finally it leans over the rim very slowly like its going to fall out then, it fell in. “BADGERS WIN! BADGERS WIN!” the announcer yells into the mic. “ ZACH WITH THE LAST SECOND THREE FALLS IN FOR THE FINAL SCORE OF 87 to 86! WHAT AN AMAZING WAY TO WIN YOUR FIRST GAME!” Thats when Zach realised the whole team coming in to dog pile on him.

17 year old Zach Smith was being lifted into the locker room where all of his teammates were celebrating. As he was being carried he looked down to see a strange white man in a trench coat mouthing words that he couldn't hear because of all the screaming. The strange man then turned around and walked out the back door. STRANGE.


15 year old Sean Morrison was sitting at a table all by himself. Sean wasn’t much of a socializer, in fact he only had 2 friends which didn’t go to his school. The reason he doesn’t talk much is because at the age of 2 his parents died by getting hit head-on by a drunky he doesn’t remember much of them. Ever since then he’s been in a long term depression.

As Sean finishes his apple the basketball team comes in screaming and cheering like they won the lottery. Sean quickly tries to get up and throw his trash away. The team came in like a wrecking ball knocking Sean over, spilling his trash all over him. The cafeteria filled with laughter as Sean fell to the floor.  “Hey!” Sean shouts as the cafe becomes quite. “what you gonna do about it NERD!” Zach says with a smirk on his face.

Sean puts his hand in a fist. He rises it. Then lowers it. “eh thats what i thought” Zach says in a mocking voice.” Thats when Sean uses his full force throwing his hand at his face knocking Zach to the ground. “OOOOOOOOOOOOOO……” the kids in the cafeteria yell then they go silent. Zach slowly gets up wiping blood from his nose. He releases an uppercut to Sean stomach following up with a punch to the face. Zach quickly hops on Sean and releases a great deal of punches to Sean laying on the ground.

“CAN I SEE ZACH SMITH AND SEAN MORRIS IN THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE IMMEDIATELY!” the intercom blares as the cafeteria goes silent.

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