The Twin Alpha Teachers

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Young, beautiful, reckless. The girl that only had guy friends, no girls in her life beside her little sister. Life was perfect, even if her family couldn't afford food on the table. She was human. She was a seventeen year old, fragile human. 

Being a senior in high school was hard enough for her, but moving in the middle of the semester wasn't paradise one bit. Leaving behind friends and family in her small town. The small town she had grown up in, only to leave it behind because her father was laid off. 

They headed up North. The family with a mother, with only one little boy, a little girl, and a teen that took care of the family by balancing jobs and school. Her father worked as a salesman for a candy company, meaning they would get tons of Skittles and gum on the weekends. 

Life was about to change drastically. 

"I'm Raven Miller," The dark, nearly black, haired girl smiled at the old attendance lady. The school was only one story but two different buildings connected them. It was like the school's learning system had their own square of town, where the pre school, junior high, and high school were. 

"Oh right," The lady flipped through a stack of papers next to her Dell computer. Her cherry red lipstick cracked as she smiled at Raven, holding out the girl's schedule. 

"Thank you," Raven murmured before turning away. Her eyes scanned the paper, looking at the numbers beside the teacher's name and subject. They were in second period, everyone else. The girl had a pass for being a new student. 

Her eyes stayed glued onto the paper as she walked, looking up every so often for the numbers above the door frame. "Room 112," Raven whispered to herself before folding the paper into fourths and shoving it into her pocket. 

The brown locks framed her perfect, heart shaped face. Her hazel eyes darted to everywhere, as if they were lost. Truly she was just examining everything. The blue, rusted lockers had individual locks, nobody every used those lockers. The classrooms had construction paper covering the rectangular windows to everydoor, probably for safety reasons. A large bulliton board covered the distance between one door to the next, there was at least four of them and they were covered with banners for tech, drama, sport and so on. The tile squares spelt WOLVES in the main hallway that she was crossing. 

Raven smiled in accomplishment before knocking on Room 112's door, Physics. An old man opened the door with a wrinkled smile on his face. He looked middle aged, though he had white hair and wore small, thin glasses. He wore a shirt that said 'Wolves' and track below in big letters. 

"Hello, I'm the-" The man cut her off, "New student, I know. I'm Coach Knoxx, we've been waiting for a new student, well I have. I'm tired of these guys," He smirked, nudging his thumb beside him before opening the door wider to let Raven in. 

She blushed at the amount of gazes were set onto her. Some out of lust, other's out envy. Envy for her beauty. "Take a sit next to Mr. Smith over there, second row, last seat on your left." The girl nodded before rushing to the stool with her head down. She unzipped the bag to take out a spiral notebook, letting her hair fall as she did so. 

The girl wrote Physics at the top of a new sheet of paper, "Hi I'm Jake." Raven looked up to see a tan skinned, buff teenager that towered above her. Everyone here towered above her, each of the boys were built and not shy like the others back at her hometown. 

"Raven Miller," She whispered back, not looking up as she outlined Physics repeatedly. "Is your last name really Smith?" A tint of amusement was evident in her voice as the boy relaxed his posture. "It's a joke between Coach Knoxx and I. My girlfriend looks like Pocahantas so he calls me John Smith." A smirk played Raven's lips, "Like the movie?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2013 ⏰

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