Chapter 1- Introduction

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Hey Guys! This is the first thing I've written on this site, pairing and just in general, so I'm sorry if it is bad and constructive criticism would be appreciated :). 

Disclaimer: I know Septiplier isn't real and they both have girlfriends and I am completely and full supportive of both of their relationships hence I'm not using their names in this fic. I'm just writing this because I've never written before and like the idea of Septiplier!

Now enough ranting and I hope you like the fic! :D


Jack's P.O.V:

I clicked off YouTube as I finished watching one of Mark's videos. I was re-watching his 'Delta' video from when he was stuck in DC at Bob's apartment and I was in absolute stitches over it. The whole 'Septiplier' ship was made by our fans so long ago and obviously we make fun of it on camera, as do our friends, Felix, Ken, Bob, and Wade. Especially at Pax last year (ah the memories..). However, what a lot of people don't know is how much I have wanted the ship to be real for so long. 

I am not gay. I've never really cared for labels, and have always figured myself to be straight. That is, until I started to watch Markiplier. 

When I started to watch him I started to feel something for him over time, but figured well I'd never actually meet him right? Turns out I was wrong. After he found me on YouTube and then twitter, we started to sky each other  making my feelings more real and  progressive. 

But I had a girlfriend so it just couldn't happen and I had thought Id loved her before Mark, I just didn't feel right talking to her about it. So, I told Ma because we have always been close and she was completely understanding of the fact I had feelings for a guy, and together we told the rest of the family who were also really supportive. They also convinced me that I needed to tell my girlfriend, that it was only fair to her. 

So, that night I told her everything, about my feelings for Mark, and about them becoming more stronger, and she was, too, extremely supportive and reassured me that what I was feeling was okay. To this day, she has become one of my most trusted confidante, and I can tell her anything. She is the person who has taken the brunt of my going on's and rambling about Mark. 

But now here's the problem, I was pretty sure I was head over heels for my Best Friend, Mark. But he was completely and utterly straight. 

Or was he... 

So there was chapter one! Thanks for reading and again, let me know what you thought and if I should continue it! any improvements would be greatly appreciated!

Goodbye for now! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2016 ⏰

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I was straight 'till I met you- Septiplier AuWhere stories live. Discover now