Chapter One

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Okay so first of all hey!
Second of all this might suck since it's the first fanfic that I'll actually upload. I've been a huge fan of Hetalia and its characters for a long time now and I got the idea to finally write a fiction of my own. Terrible idea really, but oh well, as long as it's fun.
I've chosen to write about PruAus because I feel like this ship doesn't get as much attention as it should and also I really like both Prussia and Austria, so yeah.
I know a lot of people ship PruHun or AusHun but unfortunately I'm not one of them. I like yaoi way too much and how Prussia and Austria go together, so too bad Hungry.
Anyway, enjoy! :D

Gilberts POV

I oppen my eyes to find myself facing the cold asphalt of a parking lot, or so it seems. I can barely move, my vision is blurry and my head hurts like crazy. I try to slide my arms underneath my chest in a desperate attempt to separate it from the ground, but fail miserably and just end up turning myself to my left side.
It is at that moment that I noticed a female silhouette laying just a few meters away from me. I wonder if she'd know what the hell is going on. "Hey!" I try to call out to her but receive no reply, she doesn't even twitch.
"Hey do you hear me?!" Nothing. That bastard. Guess I'll have to go up to her myself. I once again try to use my arms In order to push myself up, since I'm to dizzy to get up like a normal person, but then a sharp pain strikes my shoulder and I let out a gasp. Well then it looks like it's crawling time. After a few agonisingly long minutes filled with groans in pain and swearing, I manage to get to her.
"It wasn't very nice of you to make me come all this way." I look back on the three meters I've passed.
"Anyway, are you alright? No? Still giving me the science treatment?" I reach up for her shoulder, struggling to make her face me, but as I turn her around I notice a red stain appear on my palm.
"Ah! What the...oh my god!" My eyes then went over the rest of her and I froze. The woman's body was covered in dark bruises, her eyes were vide open and aghast, she was pale white and there was a hole in her forehead from which blood leaked out. A gun was laying just a few meters away from her. Needless to say she was dead.
"Oh my god..." I repeat myself as my heart starts to race and my breath sharpens.
"Somebody help!" I desperately yell out wanting this nightmare to end, but then memories from the last night hit me and I remember everything. I reach up for my head, breathless. No. Calling for help is absurd. I need to get away from here and fast. The one thing I'm sure about, though, is that I did not kill that women.

Roderichs POV

The clock thicker 4:30am as I got in the car and started the engine.
"Another sleepless night and another pointless day at the office dealing with stupid people and their stupid problems... Ah, I love my job..." I yawned.
The city seems deserted as I drive the empty roads of London. "Huh, it looks as though I'm the only one crazy enough to be awake at this hour... Me and that fellow over there..." I mutter to myself as I notice a tall man standing by the road just a few meters away.
"What the...? Is that... Is that a hitchhiker? In central London? Well you don't see that every day." I say while slowing down the car. The stranger was wearing a long black coat, but his hair and skin appeared to be white as snow. He was holding his left shoulder with his right hand, shaking. A strange look of relief crossed his expression as he noticed me slow down my car. I figured I might as well give him a lift considering the fact that it's almost 5am and I doubt anyone else will.
"You need a ride?" I ask while rolling down the car window. He tries to smile, but it appears he's to traumatised to pull such a complex gesture, for some reason.
"Err...Yeah, thanks." He clumsily opens the door and gets in the car but seems to have trouble fitting his long legs in.
The next five minutes are one of the most awkward in my life. He doesn't say anything so I assume we're going the right way. Finally, I can't stand the awkward silence anymore, so I decide to turn on the radio. Automatically, Beethovens Moonlight sonata starts playing from where I paused it the last time, and beautiful melody fills the car. Ah, what a bliss. My strange companion, however, doesn't seem to think so, since he finally turned to face me
"Beethoven? Really?" How dare he.
"I don't see what's wrong with..." I rose my eyes from the wheel in order to look at him, but then noticed a fresh cut over his forehead.
"Why are you bleeding?" He immediately turned his head the other side in what might have been annoyance with a bit of embarrassment.
"I've had kind of a rough night you see..." I'm kinda starting to regret picking him up.
"I may or may not have woken up next to a dead woman this morning." I'm definitely regretting picking him up.
"WHAT?!" I yell In shock, not paying attention to my driving and almost run us into a truck.
"Jesus! Do you even know how to drive this thing?!" Usually I'd lie and say yes but considering the fact that I almost flew us into that truck, I'm going to assume he already knows the answer. I stop the car.
"You are getting out right now, or would you like me to call the police?"
I strictly remember my schedule for today did not include getting murdered by a serial killer.
"No, you don't understand! I didn't kill anyone!" He tries to justify himself. Does he take me for an idiot?
"Are you really expecting me to believe you? I picked you up, like a nice person that I am, and you turn out to be a bloody serial killer! Now, do you need help with opening that door? It's too early for this sort of nonsense..." He completely ignores me kicking him out.
"Listen, I need your help, and I'm not a serial kil..."
"That's absolutely absurd, are you out of your mind?! Now you're expecting me to help you?! With a bloody murder?!" He nods at me.
"That's it I'm calling the police..." I reach down for my phone, but he grabs my arm and pushes me back into the seat. He's holding me with just one hand and I can't move. I feel my heart start to beat faster and my cheeks burning, why is this idiot so intimidating all of a sudden? He brings his face just a few inches away from mine and starts talking in a steady, but clearly irritated voice.
"If you could stop freaking out for just a second, that'd be great! Listen, the whole fucking patrol might be on a lookout for me at this moment, wanting to kill me, and I haven't even done anything wrong!" He finally let's go of me, and I take a deep breath, quickly fixing my glasses.
"I...I need your help..." He pulls away from me.
"Please." This last word he said in a whisper, as if not wanting me to hear it. I take another deep breath and my ability to speak returns.
"I don't know how to put this nicely, so I won't. First of all, death penalty isn't a thing anymore. Second of all, I wouldn't care even if it was. This is not my problem. You are not my problem, and I don't want to take part in this madness you've created. Now, why don't you just leave, so we can part as unlikely friends?"
I finish my short monologue, but he doesn't say word and the atmosphere in the car becomes heavier with every passing second. Finally, after a few agonisingly long minutes, I bring myself to look at him. It's needless to say that I most definitely did not expect what I saw. He covered his face with his hands, and I could hear quite and controlled sobs. A single tear ran down his wrist.
"Maybe you're not as much of a nice person as you think you are." He said between the sobs. That hit me hard. I let out a breath and shot my eyes.
"I didn't want to hurt you, not to mention make you cry. It's just that this whole situation caught me completely out of guard." I ran my hand trough my hair, nervously.
"How could I even, theoretically speaking, help you?" I interrogated, now in a softer voice. Why can't I remain angry anymore? He looked at me with eyes still watery from crying, but now filled with new hope.
"Well, you are an advocate, aren't you Mr. Roderich Edelstein? Isn't your job to defend the innocent and be the voice of justice for those who aren't in a position of speaking for themselves... Or something like that..." He answers prepared, and gives me a a desperate smile.
"Rightttt...So how did you know my name and profession?" How did he know really? I don't remember ever mentioning it...
"It was easy actually, your visit cards are all over the place, plus the little lady justice hanging from the review mirror made it quite obvious." He looks very proud of he'd figured me out. I need to do something with all those visit cards...
"The rule in which I defend the innocent takes place only if you're actually innocent." I throw a quick glare at him.
"So far I've only got your word and that is most definitely not enough."
"So does that mean you'll investigate my case?" He quickly replies, full of hope. Ugh, I hate him, but then again, it's not like I have any special case at the moment, and it's been a while since I've actually worked on a murder, so I suppose it could be kind of morbidly fun...
"Maybe." I finally reply.
"HELL YEAH!" He jumps in his seat, cheering loudly.
"But. BUT. I hope you do understand that from now on, you are to listen to everything I say and answer everything I ask you with truth, and truth only." He narrowes his eyes.
"I know, I know...thanks." I could get used to this.
"Good. I'll start working on your case when we get to my office." I once again start the engine and Beethoven continues to play. I am so going to regret this whole thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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