Regan's Secret

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A/N: You learn Regan's secret for why she is how she is in this chapter everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:) :) :) :) :)

Liam's p.o.v

As Regan began to strip her clothes, my stomach fell. I was betraying Zayn. She practically skipped to me and pushed her hands into my shirt. My body wanted all of this. My mind practically begging me to slam into this "kid". But my begged me to stop.

"Loosen up." Regan murmured.

"I-I can't do this." I growled.

"Why not?" Regan glared up at me.

"I can't do this to Zayn."

"It's a one time thing Payne. Everyone does this." She rolled her eyes, now clearly annoyed.

"Well im not like everyone." I glared back.

Regan growled and swiftly redressed her upper half.

I watched silently.

"Fucking tease." she snorted

I lost my breath.

"Wait til i tell Simon." I murmured and folded my arms over my chest.

She whipped around to me and glared at me.

"You better not."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Because. Zayn would believe me over you anyday." Her face dead serious, eyes cold.

"N-No he wouldn't" I sputtered.

"Oh really? I'm sure he'd believe you saying 'OH SHE DRAGGED ME INTO OUR BEDROOM AND TRIED HAVING SEX WITH ME!' " She mocked my British accent and rolled her eyes "Liam. Lets be real. As far as anyone here knows." She gestured with her hands around the room then back to herself "I'm as innocent as a 3 year old. Everyone thinks Harry raped me. No. I drugged him and we fucked with my will. I acted as if it was rape so everyone thought I was innocent and sweet. I deliberatly made him not wear a condom and that made me get prego. I got all the attention I needed and wanted. Believe you, me. If i told them all 'HE DRAGGED ME UP THE STAIRS AND FORCED ME ON THE BED! I HAD TO FIGHT MY WAY OUT!'... well... they'd believe me."

My mouth gaped like a fish out of water.



Her face dropped into a pissed-off frown.

There were footsteps and she glared at me before bawling uncontrollably.

"REGAN!" It was Niall.

I glared at her and realized that when i had shouted i had raised my hand and the way she held her cheek made it look like i'd slapped her.

"N-Niall?" She whimpered, extremely realistically

"WHAT DID YOU DO LIAM!?" He snarled.

I blinked and lowered my hand.

"Regan what'd Liam do?" Niall pleaded.

"h-h-he hit me because I refused to-to-to." She looked coldly at me.

I felt my face heat up in panic. I saw her wink slightly.

"Give him the remote. I ran up here. We were just...playing around...and he accidentally hit me. Don't get mad at him please? I'm fine. Really." Regan fakely sniffled.

Niall looked uncertain but nodded.

"I need to talk to Liam alone, Ni."

"Okay Regs." Niall shot me a glare and left.

I stared at The closing door than Regan after hearing the click of it shut.

She had her arms across her chest. "Well...?"

"Thank you.." I grumbled.

"I won't say anything if you don't." She made a face as if it pained her to say that.

"Deal." I growled.

"Promise?" She held out her pinkie finger.

I glanced at her finger then brought mine to her's ".....Promise..."

"Good. Now. THIS!" She gestured her hands around the room again, my eyes locked with her forest green ones "Never happened, Kay?"

"Sounds good to me." I said barely over a whisper.

"Smile. It's not like we did anything."

"We almost did."

"I swear that i won't try anything with you again, kay?"

"Don't try anything with ANYONE." I growled.

"can't promise that. As you said before "You're just a little slut, aren't you?" " She smiled.

"I mean of the 6 of us guys." I rolled my eyes.

"I'll try." She laughed.

"This isn't funny!" I snarled.

"To you no, to me yes."

"That's cause you're fucked-up."

"You have your opinions, i have mine." she retorted.


There was a momentary silence.

"Do you just want me to leave?" she mumbled.

I looked at her with disgust but it slowly faded when i saw her expression. She look defeated, crushed, pained.

"Why are you like this?" i asked quietly. I may have been mad and still am but something had to have happened to her as a kid or something for her to crave attention as a slut because as i knew her before...she wasn't a bad person at all.

She looked at the floor, tears fell silently.

"I hate reliving my past. But since you're curious...My mother let her boyfriends each rape me at the ages 5-9. After moving in with my father at age 11 boys in school began sexually harassing me. I was touched on a daily basis. I slowly began living with it and tried to enjoy it. Soon enough I could and it was sort a sick twisted way. I always thought all everyone ever wanted was sex. That's why i'm so willing. Because i want to get it over with willing instead of...well...rape..." She finished by staring at the floor.

"You can get help for that..." I spoke still in shock.

"I'm trying to save up. You don't get paid very much in this line of work."

"Can you try to stop, please, for me?"

"I can try, yes, but i'll just move out with a few of my friends so i'm not tempted. It won't be hard. I promise Liam. It's fine. I'll call Haley."

I nodded as she left the room.

So...that's The Story of Her Life....Bad pun Liam...Bad pun.... 

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