The Krazy Klutz I Love

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Ivy's pov

I knew there was something I was missing it felt like my backpack was too light too empty. I kept telling myself that I had everything, it just felt empty because I was buying lunch nothing was wrong, nothing was gone. But if that were true why would I be freaking myself out about it? I’m not normally this crazy. Well only sometimes. So I stopped what I was doing and opened my backpack. Nothing was gone, why was this driving me so crazy. I’m already late to class I just need to keep walking. Keep moving forward till I get there. I’m only in the courtyard just outside the door. Why is it so hard for me to keep going? Maybe I’m getting sick? Should I go to the nurse? No I can’t I haven’t even gotten to class yet. Maybe I should just sit. What am I forgetting? Class started 10 minutes ago, by now the teacher will have taken attendance. Marked me absent. Maybe they’re calling my parents right now telling them that I hadn’t shown up for first period. Maybe someone remembered seeing me in zero period and they think I ditched. Why does my head hurt so badly? I think I just didn’t get enough sleep and then I had to run the mile. Maybe I... should just….. Lay…….. Down……………………..

Archer's pov

I don’t want to be here. That’s all I kept thinking. I don’t care about school my girlfriend Emma dumped me and she’s a seventh grader, no girl has dumped me since… Ivy. I shudder at the name even in my own thoughts. I casually look over at her desk trying not to let her see me but she’s not there, probably sick or something but what do I care? I don’t, not anymore, I would rather see her on the ground dead then in my arms ever again. I raise my hand, I got to get out of here even for just a little while. My social studies teacher calls on me. Expecting the answer to a question she had just asked, instead she gets a very polite, "I got to take a dump." She already doesn’t like me so who cares. When I get up and leave people don’t look, they know I can’t stand it and they’ll only do it when they think I won’t notice. They pity me now, when they once feared me, all because I was dumped by Emma. Me the great player. The sexy boy every girl wanted to be with and I’m only an eighth grader. My names Archer by the way.

 Out the door finally. But then I see the thing that makes me want to go die in a hole. She was lying on the floor, I knew it was her of course. No one else would dare to dress that yellow. It was her favorite color, no not was is, is her favorite color. I run to her before even thinking about it. I’m freaking out but I know what to do, check for a pulse Archer, check. I do it so unsteadily that I can’t tell if it’s my pulse or her's racing under my finger tips. I can see her chest rising and falling, slowly but she's still breathing. I do the most impulsive thing next, I pick her up and start yelling for help! She can’t stop breathing she just can’t I love her! Wait what, did I just think that? I don’t know. I’m going crazy she’s dying and no one’s coming. OK Archer look for help go into the nearest classroom and have someone call 911! Go!

I end up about 3 feet away in her 3rd period math classroom. Her teacher Mr. Powell was in the middle of giving a lesson about something, I wasn’t looking I just started screaming for help again and hyperventilating at the same time. No one’s helping they’re just crowding around staring at me and her but mostly me. Only her friends were noticing the fact that she was in some way injured. Her teacher was calling 911 but I don’t think he could hear over me so I shut up but couldn’t stop hyperventilating. Someone tried to take her from me I think it was her friend Abigail but I wouldn’t let her go, she needed me. Or more like I needed her, needed to feel her soft breathing in my arms, to now she's alive. I couldn’t let her die, I loved her. This time I didn’t argue with myself, I knew I was right and this was not a time to space out and have an internal argument.

Eventually the ambulance came for her. Her neighbor Jordon showed up just as they were trying to pry her out of my hands. I hadn’t let her go yet, even when the nurse showed up to look at her, she had to do it with her in my arms. I had calmed down enough now to realize I needed to let them tend to her if she was going to get any better. But I wouldn’t leave her, her parents were meeting her at the hospital, obviously finding that more convenient then coming to the school just to drive back the way they came. They werent going to get me away from her until they said i could ride with her and they knew it. So I did, holding her hand every single moment of the short ride.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2013 ⏰

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