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      "New year, new school, new day, new high school lives!" Ezra said to Sabine and Zeb as the walked into their new school on the planet Lothal.
      "Don't get to exited kid," Zeb said to Ezra. "It's probably gonna be just like middle school."
      "Don't spoil the fun Zeb!" Sabine said as she swished her pink, white, and purple hair.
      "Whatever diva queen," Zeb replied while rolling his eyes.
      "Let's just find our lockers. I think mines number 14." Ezra said, annoyed with his friends.
      All of their lockers were right next to each other; 13, 14, and 15. There were two one year older kids opening there lockers right next to Zeb's locker. One was a guy with scarred eyes and long, brown hair laying on his shoulders. He had a start of a full beard growing brown on his face. He didn't look like he knew what he was doing, but eventually he pulled a book from his locker and closed the door quietly. He turned to the twi'lek girl next to him and spoke so quietly Zeb couldn't even make out what the guy had been saying, and with ears as big as his, he thought he would've been able to hear those words. The twi'lek and the man walked away, leaving Zeb wondering what he had said.
      "C'mon Zeb, you're gonna make Sabine and I late! Let's go!" Ezra shoved Zeb with his elbow and raced Sabine to home room.
      "Ugh," whispered Zeb as he trudged to home room before the bell rang.


      "Kanan, you need to eat," Hera whisper pleaded Kanan. His long hair had fallen over his face as his head bent down. He slightly shook his head and just blindly stared at his cafeteria food.
       "Kanan, you look like a twig. Why don't you come stay with me? My mom and I would feed you. You can't just live off of three table scraps each meal!" Hera said, trying to reason with her blind crush.
       "I'll...get sick," Kanan quietly whispered so only Hera could hear.
       Hera put her hand on Kanan's cheek, in which he tiredly closed his eyes and pushed his face into her palm. He was so tired and weak, it pained Hera to look at him. His cheek was bruised from Maul, Thrawn, and Vader's (the school bullies) latest beating. His face was hot with his usual cold that he always got because his dad never turned on the heat. His eyes had terribly big bags underneath.
      He was falling asleep, but just then the bell rang, startling and waking him up. He had moved away from Hera's hand and was now grabbing his book and standing up to go to his special math class.
      "Go...please," Kanan said to Hera and then he used his Jedi mind tricks to navigate his way down the hall to his class, where only three other people sat.
      Hera sighed and took both of their lunch trays to the trash. "I've got these, baby," the kind lunch lady, Reina, said to Hera while taking the trays for her.
      "Thanks Reina," Hera replied.
      "And also, watch over your friend. I don't want to see anymore bruises on his sweet, tired face."
      Hera nodded and walked out of the cafeteria. "Oops, sorry!" Hera said as she bumped into a shorter, blue haired boy. "No worries," replied Ezra as the twi'lek girl went on her way to English, and Ezra continued to follow Sabine and Zeb to Science.

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