Good girl vs Bad boy ~ let the fun BEGIN! ch 1

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xox adieu Eliz

OMG OMG OMG! Guess wat!

What is it Coco? We're in class, stop texting me!

Welllllll, u know that guy Josh, he asked me out! ;)

Great, I'm proud, go for it.

I sighed as I texted her back, this conversation had passed between Chocolate and I an uncountable amount of times, she's been through more guys than a fat kid been through chocolate glazed doughnuts.

It's like a routine now, she goes :I like this new guy called (insert name of poor sucker).

Then I'd say something on the line of - Really?! Go for it.

A week or so later, the poor guy is dumped like an old pair of Luis Vuiton shoes that are out of season.

Really, I don't understand the whole point of dating, from what I see so far of all the failed relationships Coco had had (Coco = Chocolate), getting a boyfriend was a waste of time and obviously so, very over rated. It was more lust than anything else really, which is sad considering I still had this overly romanticised, old fashioned view on romance.

My phone vibrates softly against my leg again, my eyes quickly swish across the room, I needed to pay attention in this class! I'm not getting the course work as is.

The science teacher was lecturing about some formula which would definitely turn up on the exam. But as Coco gestured wildly from across the room to check my phone, I sighed and obliged.

I slipped my hand into my Gucci jacket which Coco absolutely adores but I feel rather neutral to it, my mum likes to play dress up with me, a lot, her own personal Barbie.

Coco's reply:

-Ceh' yah hun! He is soooooo x100 into me! ;) Party at his place tonight, u wana come?

-I don't think...

"Ms Fleur, what do you think you're doing with a mobile during my class?"

Ah shat, I swear that woman has eyes on the back of her butt.

"Sorry miss, it wont happen again." I look down in shame.

"I'll make sure of it, Give me your phone."

I sigh then hand my phone to her. Coco shoots me an apologetic glance at me.

"Detention Ms Fleur in the E room at 3:45, class is dismissed."


" Iris!"

"Yes Coco?" I turn around and glare accusingly.

"Ugh don't look at me like that, I didn't mean to ruin your perfect good girl record," she pulls a face then continues "but please still come tonight!"

"I'm not sure, I mean, last time we went to a party, I had to drag you back home at 2am while you screeched Disney songs" Coco fluffs at her hair and pouts, "I'm just not in the mood for partying Coco. Anyway, detention calls."

"We'll talk about this later!" she calls after me.

I had never been able to stay mad at Coco for very long. She wriggles her fingers at me and I vaguely gesture back. I think it was because she is like a sister to me, she fixed me when I was broken and therefore, I am eternally thankful. Sure she has her flaws, like texting during class! And being slightly cruel to those that weren't A-list. But they are minor in comparison to her positives.

I make my way to the E room, the infamous detention room for deliquints and the rebelious. I flinch as my red louboutin heels click down the hallway, echoing. I didnt want me getting a detention to be known. But with the racket I was making....

My blond hair (yes natural, although I think natural hair is lovely, I wouldn't mind dying it an exotic colour, like Coco's temptress red locks) bounces with each step. I nervesly comb my fingers through it as I approach the E room.

I arrive. Hesitantly sliding the door open to my 2 hour torture to reveal...him.

He, he, was uncontrollably hot and then, my words turned to mush after that. A hand lazily rests upon the chair he is sitting beside. His bad boy style was styled to perfection, brown messy hair, forest green eyes and built like an underwear model. I dazed off, imagining his long slender piano fingers running through my hair as I lay across that obviously muscular chest and.....

"Ahh Ms Fleur, glad you could find some time in your very busy schedule to make it here on time, oh wait, that is incorrect,10 minutes late! Get your butt on a chair before I give you another detention."

I calmed myself down, taking deep breaths and shoving those forbidden thoughts that had dominated my mind away. I felt shaken how easily this guy shattered my dignity, I was ready to just take him there and then! As Coco would so crudely put it. I inhale deeply for a few times more and roll my shoulders slightly. What would have happened had the teacher not distracted me? Would I have been like a slut and given myself up for lust? I scolded myself for thinking such sinful things.

However come I've never seen his face around though? I had practically grown up with the people in my school. Newcomer probably... Who cares, psh, me? No, he is not important!

I glance across the room, unable to help my curiousity. He looks back and I quickly turn my head away. Hahah no, it's not like I'm interested right? He wont read into that look right?

Distracting myself, i look out the window. The weather outside was absolutely gorgeous. Ahh wish I was out there, this is perfect weather for lazing about in the sun. My daydream is rudely interrupted when something wacks into my leg.

What ...A pen? How. Then I look down.

A huge red ink stain runs across white jeans.


My mouth opens and closes like a goldfish, I was flabbergasted. I mean, something this ridiculous hasn't happened to me since primary school.

A chair screeches across the floor, wait.

He make his way towards my desk and exclaims "Oh I'm so sorry! Mrs Fraiser, can you please allow me to help Iris clean up her leg? It's all my fault, that pen just flew out of my hand. Simply leaped out and momentarily gained a life of its own! I don't know what happened, or what possessed it! IM SORRY!" He turns to me slightly and smiles.

Your average guy would not drama out so much. Surely he was gay, that was the conclusion I came to.

Mrs Fraiser had a pained expression, she was probably freaking out at having a guy drone and drama on so much.

She sighs and puts her head in her hands and made shooing motions towards us.

"Go get out Mr Rayn." Under her breath, she mumbles, "children these days."

Oh..... Mr Rayn huh, that is, kinda sexy.

** hehe whats going to happen, I wonder!

Comment please! The good, bad and anything in between is much appreciated... I like to hear your opinions and such... so COMMENT! And vote if you enjoyed it! :D many thanks for reading!

xox ta taaaa Eliz

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