Susan's kid

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**WARNING** this story contains strong language and some sexual content that may not be suitable for kids. This story is not based off of any real events, people, or other stories. Anything similar is purely coincidental  


"Can you just go to fucking sleep already?!" I groaned into the phone,

"No" My best friend Steph said simply from the other end. It was 11:23, the night before our first day back from winter break. I was laying in bed struggling to keep my eyes open "I still need help deciding how to style my hair tomorrow."

"You're a smart girl. I'm sure you can figure something out." I rolled my eyes


"Bye Steph. See you tomorrow" I hung up before she could answer and rolled over to the other side of the bed before looking out my window. I sighed. I still can't believe my junior year is almost over. My eyes started to feel heavy with sleep as I recalled what my mom told me earlier.

"You remember my good friend Susan, right Dria?" I had shaken my head. "Well anyways she's going to New Zealand for a year and a half for business in a few days, and I told her that her son could stay here for the time being."

"Yeah okay whatever" I had nodded while taking a bite out of a banana. "Name?"

"I can't remember what nickname but her son goes by, but the last name is 'Salago' if that helps"

I still can't seem to know why that name sounded so familiar to me. With that thought, I slowly drifted into a deep sleep.

The next morning I woke up before my alarm and got dressed in the standard "Northridge High School" uniform: a white polo shirt with a red tie, a red plaid skirt, thigh high white socks and white tennis shoes, all provided by the school. I quickly styled my hair half up half down and walked down the stairs. I trotted into the kitchen and grabbed a pop tart. On my way out the door, I grabbed the note taped to it.

Dria, please take the bus today, I had to leave for an early meeting. Susan's son is moving in tonight, and he can drive you to school for the rest of the year. Love you, Mom.

When I arrived at school, I immediately saw Mary and Steph standing next to a row of lockers. Steph was flirting with a boy that I've never seen before, and Mary was looking at her shoes, uncomfortable. As I raised my leg to walk over to them, I tripped over a foot that was set out in front of me and fell. I looked up from my position on the floor and connected the foot to Brandon Salago.

"What the hell?!" I glared up at him. He stopped, as did his best friend Aiden Bronkowski, and the three girls they were with. The girls giggled, and Brandon just gave me a blank stare. "Um are you not gonna help me up?" I narrowed my eyes at him. He cocked his head slightly, his blank stare now containing a hint of curiosity. "Or are you just a mute?" I asked sarcastically picking myself up from the ground. Aiden snorted and then immediately covered it with a cough.

The girls all glared at me until one of them said "Come on Brandon. Let's get away from this mutt"

"Yeah, wouldn't want to catch any of my diseases" I rolled my eyes. Aiden and the girls started to walk away, and Brandon hesitated before turning around and following.

I had begun to walk towards Steph and Mary, who were both staring at me with their jaws open, when I stopped short. Brandon. Brandon Salago. Holy crap. Brandon is Susan's kid. And he's staying at my house for the rest of our high school years.

I jogged over to my friends.

"What was that about?" Mary questioned.

"Brandon tripped me."

"Jerk." Mary answered rolling her eyes.

"A super-hot jerk" Steph added.

"Whatever. Anyways, you know how I was telling you about that guy that's going to be living at my house until the end of senior year?" I asked in all seriousness. "I just figured out it's Brandon. Brandon is the one staying at my house." I looked back in forth between the two girls waiting for their reaction. Steph stared at me with her mouth hanging open and Mary studied me.

"Are you serious Dria? Or are you just getting us back for canceling our plans for tomorrow night?" Mary questioned. Steph continued to stare at me in shock.

"I swear to god. My mom said his last name was Salago and the only other person with that name is 'Nosey Petey'. His mom died when he was young though so it can't be him"

"Oh. I feel bad for the kid." Mary said.

"Me too." I laugh "Until I remember that he wipes his fingers on everything except a tissue after he picks his nose, and then I'm kinda grateful that it can't be him."

"Brandon Salago?" Steph was still staring at me in astonishment, trying to process what I had said five minutes ago.

"Uh yeah Steph." I rolled my eyes. "We already went over that."

"We should probably get to class. Steph and I have Math together" Mary gave me a smile. "We'll catch up with you later." She started leading Steph away.

"Some people get all of the luck" she complained to Mary. Mary laughed as they walked away.

"You mean some people get none of it" I muttered under my breath. I sighed, and then headed off to Biology.

A/N ; PEASE READ... Hey guys! This is my first story and I'm super excited because I just know it's going to be a good one!! The chapters will get a lot longer so please keep reading because I promise you will love it! When I get more readers, I will have some competitions with prizes and more! Please feel free to comment and I am totally open to constructive criticism! Thank you for reading I can not wait to go on this journey with you all because I promise it will be a great one!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2016 ⏰

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