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Pic of lucy^^^just imagine she has pink and blue strikes on her hair.

Harley Quinn's POV ^^^

"Push!Push!. " the doctor said while I keep pushing like an old lady pushing a damn cart!.

"What ya think I'm doing relaxing!? I'm pushing damn it!."
The baby just likes hiding inside mommy's tummy.

I have a feeling she's just like her father.

Oh I miss puddin'.

"Im here is my wife ok?." Puddin'! He came holding flowers but eventually threw it and came over to me "Sir,you need to put this on. " the nurse gave him a mask.

Ok I really need to focus on this baby popping out of my vagina.

"Ahhhhhhh!." I scream out of pain. Then I heared a baby's cry.

"Would you do the honors sir." the doctor gave him the scissors "What if I cut the wrong cord!? ." he was nervous. Its the first time he got nervous well that's a first.

He really should cut the cord now cause its not comfortable "No,you won't,now cut the cord Puddin'. " I said while he took the scissors and cut the cord.

"Look baby, our daughter is beautiful like you." he said while my baby cried "Aw-ahhhhhh!. " I screamed."She has another baby coming out,push!." the doctor yelled while I pushed.

After a long time of cursing at the doctor a baby's cry was heared "Its a boy. " a boy I always wanted a boy.

I'm so fuckin happy right now "OMG!." I said while the doctor patch me up. Oh and Puddin' gave the baby back to me and held our baby boy.

"What will be their name's mrs. Joker?. " the nurse ask,I look at Puddin' and smiled "Lucy and Jared. " we both said in unison. And laughed for no damn reason.

Hey were crazy that's what we do.

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