Ruby Sparkles

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The Christmas red and green 'festivities', so colourless and boring felt little Ruby Sparkles. She was one for the bonfire night. Big bangs and explosions always excited her and she never did wear gloves when she held her sparklers. Such the rebellious eight year old. Now, Guy Fawkes, him she did believe in.

When her ears listened to the tales of the other children putting out carrots and milk for you know who, well, she laughs. She doesn't spoil their imaginations and beliefs, mind. She is rebellious unknown to her little self, but not cruel. Just aware is Ruby Sparkles, knows more than the other children. Or so it would seem.

Maybe she is the one deprived. 

Ruby Sparkle's parents were quite the realists. Always believed in telling their dear children matter of facts. No illusions here. Straight cut, hard family values.

They had three children including Ruby. Exasperating, but alluring Aimee was a very boisterous 16 year old she was their eldest. Then Ruby Sparkles herself, quiet and reserved with a mischievous lurking undertone (of course, of course) and last but not least Henry, he was their newborn. Their newly cherished baby boy who held all their attention.

Ruby Ruby Ruby. Where to begin? Let me a have a little think. It was cold winters night...

You're kidding me? You're kidding me for sure...

This is not that type of tale.

Ruby sat at her school desk listening to all the children speak of all the things they wished to get for Christmas. Their lists were endless. From bikes to computer games. From barbie dolls to puppies. She wasn't even planning on getting that lump of coal.

'Ruby what are you getting for crimbo?' asked the red headed, freckled scruffy looking scamp sat next to her.


Ruby didn't want to say 'nothing' it would draw far too much attention to her, so she needed to think of something believable so the other children wouldn't laugh or question her.

'Well, Ruby? Come on you must have one thing you want', persisted the prissy girl edging for the side of the naughty list.

Ruby managed to muster up some form of response 'I--I wish that Santa would bring me a secret notebook, one that I could draw pictures in and write about silly things, but it will have a lock, a lock  so only I can see what is inside. Like a book of mysteries.' A small wish from a little black haired girl.

The others smirked and mumbled to each other underneath their breaths.

Children nowadays, so expectant and ungrateful, but not poor Ruby Sparkles. She didn't expect her notebook at all. It was merely a front to stop those pesky children from prying further.

Later that evening Ruby thought of nothing else but her imagined up magical notebook. What would it take for her to get that? The other children got the earth and more and some of them were quite horrid. She was sometimes a little naughty, unintentional. It was just sometimes her curiosity and inquisitiveness got the better of her and also in a heap of trouble. Especially at home when she went exploring...

She once found something quite bizarre in her mother's underwear drawer, it was pink and made the strangest buzzing sound. Made her hand feel ever so fuzzy when she switched it on, gigging. But she wasn't laughing for long that's for sure. She went without dessert for a week!

Speaking of desserts, the family after a long day gathered. All were sitting around the table enjoying mums specialty, cheesy pasta bake, low fat cheese and not a whole lot of bake.

'So girls, how was school today?' asked a stern and uninterested father. Ruby stayed quiet and looked towards her sister Aimee for assurance.

'We went through so much today daddy, for the exams. A revision session it was very informative' Aimee said as politely and pleasing as ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2016 ⏰

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