Act 8 Part 4

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  "Hey you Jerk! Thanks for dropping me back there!" The small troll snarled walking up. "I told you to tuck and roll." Tareli smiled while crossing her arms. Something about The young troll seemed similar. "We made it!" A taller troll said coming up from behind the small one she was panting and breathing hard, another just hovered over. "Oh Gracer, these guys were our roommates. This is Aureli Bodrigg, She's cool!" Tareli said swinging her arm around the Troll. "And these two are Hosheo and Graysil Propus." She said nudging the taller one and using the smaller one as an armrest."Yeah, I know who they are. We met before." Gracer said lazily. "So umm, if you don't mind me asking, how do we get back? And umm what are these?" Aureli asked and motioned to her wrist. There was a clock and it was counting down. "Life clocks. Those show how long we have to live if we don't get back soon. And...I don't think we can." Gracer said. "Eww! That's disgustin'!" shouted Eridan from behind Gracer. She screamed and jumped on Tareli. Tareli adjusted her shades to his comment. "I'm talkin' about those things implanted in your wwrists." Eridan said, crossing his arms. "Well we WOULD get them REMOVED but we NEED THEM TO LIVE." Tareli growled through her teeth. "Well soon it's going to be all oger now." Aureli said as she smirked. "N-not funny, A...Not funny."Gracer mumbled. Graysil stared curiously at the purple haired troll. Walking up she got closer until she had to turn her head up to see him. "You smell like fish." she stated bluntly causing everyone to sputter into laughter. Eridan grimaced at the young troll before turning away and staring greedily at his rings. He shuddered at the grip on his shoulder. "Sorry about her, she's a Propus." Gracer whispered the last part. "The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree." Eridan grumbled. Gracer giggled. "So umm, now where do we stay?" Gracer asked. "I'm not so sure, let's go find a box?" Tareli asked pulling out her cell phone. "A box!?" Hosheo exclaimed. "Yea, it won't have a room for you to brood in, sorry about that, but no one needs those vibes anyway." Tareli smirked. "C'mon." She added before pushing everyone forward. "Bye Fish face!" She called to Eridan. "You Low blooded Land Dwweller!" She heard him shout, as she laughed to herself. "Okay, mission A, make friends and guilt them into taking us in is, Go!" Tareli exclaimed before running off. As everybody else ran in different directions, Hosheo stayed put. "I'm not going anywhere." He said crossing his arms. Tareli stopped running and turned around to Hosheo's direction. "Hosheo, you have to come with us." Tareli said. "Nah, I'll stay here." They grumbled crossing their arms. "I don't have time for this!" Tareli shouted before grabbing Hosheo's arm and pulling them along. "Let go!" Hosheo shouted. "Not today." Tareli's grip tightened he turned her head to growl at them. "Ow!" She hissed as she hit the ground. "Oh! I'm sorry. I did not see you there are you okay?" a voice came from above her she looked up to see a Female troll standing above her, Her hair was short like Tareli's and she had a red skirt. Her shirt was long sleeved and had an Virgo sign on it. "Oh it's okay, i'm sorry I bumped into you." Tareli said taking the extended hand. "I was pulling along this gu-" Hosheo was gone. Tareli face palmed before turning to The Troll again. "I'm sorry, I'm Tareli." She shook the Troll's hand. "I'm Kanaya, nice to meet you." The troll smiled. "What happened to the guy that fell with me?" Tareli asked. "Umm, He ran that way!" She pointed left. "Thanks, and they go by "They". She started to walk off. "Do you have a phone?" Tareli asked. After exchanging information, Tareli waved bye and proceeded to hunt down the now missing Hosheo. Tareli texted Kanaya talking about the troublemakers they take care of. "Dang, Karkat sounds like a handful." Tareli whispered to herself. She turned to see Aureli and Gracer back, Hosheo sat on the bench with Graysil. Tareli walked up. "I found the perfect person, She's really nice and motherly she has a "Kid" she takes care of." She quotation marked when she said kid. "That's great, how fast are we moving in?" Gracer asked. "Well, you see. I can't just invite myself and four other people to move in so we still need a box." She said With her shoulders raised. They all groaned. "Okay plan B, pull out all the money you have right now." Tareli said pulling out her wallet. They each emptied their pockets and found that together they had 135$. "That won't get us an apartment." Gracer said "But that can get us a roommate." Tareli said as she smiled. "Man....That was my birthday money." Aureli said as she slouched. "Are we really gonna PAY Ka-" Gracer started before hearing a call from Graysil. "Oh Gracerrrrrr~." She said. "What?" Gracer said, twisting around. Graysil giggled a bit, holding something behind her back. "Guess what I got." she said. Gracer huffed and crossed her arms. Graysil revealed the thing she had. It was a jar of bees. Gracer's hands dropped along with her mouth. Her eyes widened. "EHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed running away. Graysil followed her with the jar of bees, holding them out. "COME ON! YOU'RE NOT THAT SCARED OF A WITTLE BEE ARE YA?" Graysil shouted. "NOT TODAY!!!" Gracer shouted as she jumped a fence. Tareli laughed a little before grabbing Graysil's collar as she tried to chase Gracer, Graysil flew for a second before falling back onto the ground. "Sorry but, no one messes with my girl." Tareli deadpanned while adjusting her shades. Graysil rubbed her head and looked to her sibling. Hosheo was furious with Tareli at this point as their eye twitched and fists tightened. Tareli was texting Gracer convincing her to return and she reluctantly accepted and was on her way. "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT!?" Hosheo screamed at Tareli. Tareli looked at them with a stoic face. "What are you referring to?" Tareli asked looking down at her phone. "You don't get to touch Graysil!" They shouted. "Graysil doesn't get to terrify my Morial." Tareli stared up at Hosheo,They were done with Tareli. Hosheo got out his weapon ready to fight. "You've been a nuisance since the first meeting." He growled. "Now, now, now put that weapon up, I don't like fighting." Tareli said blankly. Hosheo snarled at the comment and teleported to her their weapon raised. "Aughh!" They swung their weapon down *CLANG* Hosheo stared at the weapon that had deflected their attack. "Nu-uh-uh." Tareli smirked. She held her scythe against the Cleaver. "Now like I said be a good one and put the weapon away." Tareli said again. Hosheo Moved quick side stepping around Tareli, now facing her back, they swung again. But to their avail they hit nothing. They turned to see Tareli leaning on her scythe and staring at her nails. "Now, I don't usually fight, but Gracer got me this shirt so." Tareli said holding a stoic face. Hosheo growled, running forward they were inches away and Tareli was already blocking. They smirked as they teleported behind her ready to swing. "Ahhh!" They shouted as they fell back. "What!?" Hosheo looked up to see Tareli had tripped them with the back of their Scythe. "Gracer isn't gonna lose me too." Tareli growled. As Hosheo and Tareli were fighting like babies, a person stepped out of the shadows. "Tareliii..." Graysil sang, trying to get Tareli's attention. "What?" Tareli said, turning towards Graysil. Graysil pointed to the person walking towards them. Hosheo put his cleaver down as he saw who was walking towards them. "Graysil... It's..." Hosheo said, tearing up. Thus stood, Hanako. The female troll stepped from the shade of the tree. "Hi, i'm Hanako." she smiled.Tareli got out of her battle stance and looked at the girl with a stoic face. "Tareli, i'm guessing you are related to these two?" She asked. Hosheo's eyes widened at her comment. "Hit the nail on the head." Graysil said. There was a figure going towards Tareli. It was Gracer. "I...will never....get near another bee.....again." She huffed. She went to collapse, before Tareli caught her. "I got you." Tareli hummed, managing to get Gracer resting on her back. Gracer closed her heavy eyes and dozed off into a cat nap. "H-hanako what are you doing here!? You left a long time ago!" Hosheo snarled. "Well, while Hussie had us in the void, I met people. And they pulled me from the game. The process takes a while, all that time, and look now. I'm in the real world." She had apologies in her eyes but a smile on her face. There was a snort from Gracer. "You abandoned us. You hurt Hosheo didn't you?" Tareli looked to her now awake Morial. Hosheo growled "You left us!" "I was saved from a world that didn't exist." Hanako barked back. Gracer jumped off Tareli's back. "Shut up. Both of you. If we don't find a way to get back, we're all gonna die. Besides, It's getting dark. " Gracer said pointing to her life clock. Tareli nodded and took Graysil in her arms. "C'mon I'll ask Kanaya if we can stay at her place for the night." everyone except Hanako followed.   

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