The Sky Lion

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This is an older poem I wrote some years back but I thought it would be a nice little snipet anyway. Feedback is welcome but flames will be extinguished. Thanks.

The Sky Lion

Please tell me sir of the Sky Lion, 

How doth his growl shake pine? 

It is said he captures the hearts of men in the mere blink of in eye, 

And now out of simple curiosity, I believe he has captured mine.

Please tell me sir of the Sky Lion, 

Is it true the shake of his mane brings life? 

If so sir please tell me, for my knowledge must be right. 

Does the gleam of his teeth bring lightning? And his stride thunder as well? 

Does his roar shake the heavens? And send evil back into hell? 

It is said his appearance is mighty, yet kind is the look on his face, 

And once he came to visit, this low and unworthy place.

Please tell me sir where can I find the Sky Lion? 

For I have searched the world to no end, 

Are the legends false, and the stories untrue? 

Is it really all pretend? 

The man to whom the young man spoke slowly turned to him, his face kind and soft,

And he answered him with a question of his own, which the young man thought quite odd.

Young man why is it that you search the world, high, low, close, and abroad?

For the Sky Lion that you speak of is the one and only God.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2013 ⏰

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