Chapter One

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Chapter One


Have you ever had that one friend? You know, the one that you always pushed around. When you talked, they'd always listened. I mean, you considered that person as your best friend, but did you even know their favorite color? Or when they had a problem, did you actually guide them through it?

Well for me, that was Reagan Callaway. I've known her since the first grade. She took me to the nurse when the evil Paige Whitman made me scrape my knee (and cry). As I wept and hobbled, she comforted me. Ever since then, we were the best of friends. Reagan and I had countless sleepovers, we always hung out at the mall, and her family were basically mine and vice versa. 

On August 29th of this year, I called Reagan on her cell phone. She had just gotten off of punishment (she hadn't finished her summer reading assignments) and we were going to the mall for the final pieces of our first day of school outfits. She didn't answer, which was odd because her phone was glued to her palm 24/7. I assumed that her phone was dead and I drove to her house.

Reagan lived across town in a small, but gorgeous house. I loved visiting the Callaway's residence because it reflected Ree. Warm, pretty, and comfortable. It made you feel secure. Unlike where I lived, the downtown area of the big & bustling Chicago.

I rang the doorbell and looked down at my sneakers as the familiar tune filled my ears. Reagan's mom, Ella Callaway answered. She didn't look like her usual, cheery self. Her eyes were dark and puffy, and her eyelashes were moist, as if she'd been crying.

"Oh, hello Evangeline," Mrs. Callaway greeted, "What a pleasure to see you." She tried her best to smile. 

Evangeline? Since when did Mrs.Callaway call me by my given name? Everyone called me Angie.

"I tried calling Reagan, but she didn't answer. Can you call her down?" I asked.

"Evangeline, why don't you come in and sit down." Ella sighed. She led me to the living room, which was starting to overflow with flower bouquets and cards. 

" Is there something coming up?" 

"It's best if I just come out and say it." Ella started. Police officers came out of the kitchen with Oliver, Ella's fiancé. Liam and Leah, Reagan's younger siblings, came down the stairs in their PJ's, rubbing their eyes.

"Mommy, who are these peoples?" Liam questioned.

" And where's Ree?" Leah whined.

Ella exchanged a look with Oliver and tried to fight back tears. Liam and Leah ran to their mother's sides, each one taking a seat on her lap. 

"Babies," Mrs. Callaway sniffed, "Reagan is up in heaven now."

No. This can't be true. 

"Like nanna?" Leah whimpered.

Ella nodded. The twins buried their heads into their mom's chest and sobbed. That's when I noticed tears trickling down my cheeks. This all happened way too soon. I mean, Reagan and I were just together just two days ago, and now she's gone and never coming back. 


The officers said that it was suicide. She took a handful of pills. All I felt was guilt. I was her best friend. I could have prevented this, I could have gotten her some help. But I did nothing but drown her out. When she wanted to hang out, I made an excuse to hang out with the popular kids. Whenever she wanted to talk, I always found a way to make it about myself. 

What kind of friend am I? What kind of friend doesn't know when their best friend of ten years is so depressed that they relied on suicide to relieve their pain? Reagan didn't deserve me. I'm a horrible person. 

As the family wept, I gave them my condolences and hopped into my car. Millions of thoughts were racing through my mind. The one question that kept repeating was why. Why did she do it? Why didn't I know? 

And that is when I came up with my plan. I, Angie Harris, was going to find out why Reagan Callaway killed herself. I will find that answer, no matter what happens.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2013 ⏰

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