Part one

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Getting ready for my date with Tris was a mess. My big brother Dylan decided to put a water bomb in my hair, and totally wrecked the curls I just did. "Idiot." I mutter under my breath and stomp of to my room to fix it up. In my room I sit in front of my vanity and curl my black hair with purple ends. When Im done I look perfect, and put on my chosen outfit. Red and black leggings and black skirt with a light red t shirt. I look rather nice, and slip on my red high heels. Its getting cold to, but I don't care. I hear a knock and rush downstairs and open the door, pushing my little brother Jake over in the progress. I check that my hairs ok and open the door. Tristan is standing in front of the sunset, looking fab. The sunset makes his golden hair shine more, and he gives me a quick kiss. "We gotta go, we'll miss the bus." He says, and I stare in his blue eyes for a few more seconds before I nod. "Sure, let me just grab my purse." I grab my purse and ignore the songs from Jake (Tristan and Janet sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. First comes love..........). Blah blah blah. Tris grabs my hand and we run to the bus, which is about to leave. We hop on and sit up the back. Its a short ride, but in that time me and Tris manage to kiss three times, each lasting about ten seconds. When we arrive at the cafe, we order a chocolate cake and sit out side...

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