Vision's gone blurry, my eyes search for the time. 2:37 am. Shit. My head's probably gonna fall off if I don't sleep. At the same time, I'll have no head if I don't hand in my essay for English. Romeo and Juliet, a story of two love struck people who committed suicide because they apparently couldn't live without each other. Wonderful.

I let out a long sigh and pull out my phone. I scroll through Facebook and check who's online. No one. Of course. After being disappointed again by Snapchat, my fingers find their way to my keyboard and remains hovering above it. I swear my eye bags have enough space to actually fit my PC in them. 

After 20 more minutes of half asleep typing, I finally finished that horrendous essay. My body falls onto my bed and I attempt to fall asleep. I try my best to make myself as comfortable as possible. My head's prepared to sleep already, my body's pretty beat itself but my eyes won't let me sleep at all. They're the reason why I didn't finish early, all the sudden lost of sight moments kept me up. Then I realised one detail.

I didn't switch off the light. 


Beep. Beep. Beep.

My chest somehow lifted up by itself whilst my head remains as the heaviest part if my body and my legs, well, they're hanging from the front of my bed. My eyes open up forcefully, then begin to fight the light by trying to close. 


I groan in frustration and slap myself awake. I pull myself up and throw myself into the shower. I stand there for around five minutes and no. I'm not falling asleep, I'm just closing my eyes to, to... To make sure the water doesn't touch my eyes. That's right.

I shampoo my hair, then condition. I leave wet footsteps on the bathroom floor and brush my teeth. My eyes search for any signs of break outs and I smile inside my mouth (if that's even possible) from seeing a clear face. After slipping into a pair of jeans and a top, I head over to the kitchen and fix myself a bowl of cereal and a cup of green tea. 

Like every other morning, I stare out the window and look down the city. From the twenty second floor, it certainly a beautiful view of the whole place. A number of empty parks, streets and skate parks lit by street lights. Around 6:30, which should be about now, the sun peeks over the sea, bringing with it the sound of birds chirping, doors opening and my ringtone. 

I jump in surprise, secretly hoping that certain people was calling, at least one of them. I pick up and give out a overly cheerful "Hello?!"

In my disappointment, it was only my best friend. I know, I'm an awful person.

"Claire, you saw the sun rise as well right?" She asked, like usual.

"Of course."

"Uh, come to school ASAP okay?" 

My face scrunches in confusion to what she just said.

"Why? You hate going early."

"Just come." With that, she hung up. 

I put down my phone by my bag and stare out to the sea. I know they'll be back, I know they will, they have to. The main telephone begins to ring, but I just leave it. Eventually, the voicemail came through.

"Morning Jaquline Claire Ortega. Your monthly balance updated. $10,000. You're mother sent in a gift for you Miss."

"A gift huh?" I mumble to myself.

I lean over onto the wall, my body begins to lose energy, my mind goes blank and everything loses colour. How many gifts do they need to send? It's almost like they planned who was going to send the gifts on which days. My wet hair from my shower earlier dried up and I'm left with bouncy brown hair and honestly, I can't care about it right now. 

I realised what the the time was and I printed my essay out. I hang my bag on my back and lock the door behind me. My ears covers up with earphones and I continue walking down the street, until I reached school. 

This school, unlike my other privileges, I had no choice to this. For the sake of pride, only the richest and most powerful families attend here. It's stupid, it offers the same amount of education as other public schools, yet only a certain group of people manage to enroll here.

What's my family's rank here? Well, my parents are practically the hidden hands of this government, they deal with almost everything. So my ranking in this school is one of the highest, but not as high as the presidential child. Ryder. Alexander Ryder Wilder. No, he's not that playboy that everyone bows down to, but more of that guy that's targeted as the massive deal. The highest rank in this school's hierarchy, good looks, talents in everything and the front cover of every news headline.

Me? No, I honestly can't care about him, yeah, I know what you're thinking. I'm going to have an encounter with him, fall into a love/hate relationship and admit my hidden feelings that developed through our time together. No, I've known him for my whole life, it would've happened ages ago. 

I'm not being completely honest. It did happen.



I'm not American, I haven't been to America before, and no, I'm not basing this off books I've read. In this story, the setting is just a place that doesn't exist. So, don't go thinking that I'm just a try hard Australian girl that's trying to be American. Please enjoy this. 

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