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hey (y/n),

summertime just got colder and colder. it's irritating how it's raining non-stop when it was supposed to be sunny. night times are just the worst. I've been sleeping alone on my bed for my whole existence but it feels even more empty than before.

I was lucky that your parents would allow me to crash by your house from time to time. I would always find myself dashing to your place every after practice, most especially when it rains. it puzzles me how you loved the sound of thunder so much that you would stand outside just to listen to it closely.

I hated the idea of you getting drenched and freeze under the weather. but you looked so calm and free whenever you're doing so. in order to minimize the coldness, I would always wrap my arms around you as I let the rain consume me as well. despite the breeze, I would feel so warm.

I love every single day that I got to spent with you. the time when I would always expend my nights and sleep at your house were beyond cloud nine. 

sleeping beside you made me feel as if I was in a world where everything is tranquil and serene. your bed was bombarded with the scent of vanilla and it's just so soft. but your skin grazing against me is something that intoxicates me in the best way possible.

you would always pull me closer towards you and I wouldn't hesitate to bury my face on the crook of your neck. I could sense the palpitating of my heart every time you comb my hair with your fingers, humming me a lullaby to disperse the loud sound of the rain hitting on the roof.

it was those nights that I consider myself the luckiest man in the world. no, scratch that. meeting you alone made me the luckiest man. you have never failed to comfort me even if it is you who needed it the most. 

I was selfish. I just realized that I was grieving so much because I didn't want you to leave me. I never asked you how you were feeling... I was too focused on my own emotions. it was always about how I would face life without you.

now that it's raining once again, all I could ever think of was the way you would embrace me to sleep. would people call me selfish... if I said that I want to feel your warmth right now?

would it be selfish if I wish to sleep beside you again? because I am certainly willing to do anything just to be with you.

can you take me with you, (y/n)?

𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍 | 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐤.Where stories live. Discover now