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Dean and Seth were both at the same  orphanage as kids. They were the best of friends, they loved each other.

But one day when Dean woke up and went looking for Seth he wasn't there, dean searched and searched all over the orphanage for him, he couldn't find him so he went and asked one of his favourite caretakers if she's seen him.

"Julia have you seen Sethie?" 7 year old dean asked tugging on her hand, Julia bent down to deans level and frowned putting a hand on his shoulder

"Sweetie, Seth got adopted, he has a home now."

Tears formed in Dean's eyes

"W-what? He's gone he left? But he never even said goodbye!" Dean asked fat tears rolling down his chubby cheeks

"I'm sorry honey, they were in a rush to leave, they had a flight to catch to Iowa, but now he has a loving family, he'll be happier there. He did give me this note to give you" Julia said handing Dean a note

To: deano
I sorry I didn't have tim to say good-bye, we wil meat up again soon I promis. I hav to go now but I love you, se you soon dean

-Seth <3 <3

Seth wrote in his sloppy handwriting and his bad spelling, after all he was only 6.

Dean smiled through his tears and held the note to his chest, after that point on he promised himself to go find Seth once he's old enough.

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