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Hey yall no time to talk but Lucas called me for sum to talk about asap so I got up showers and did my hygiene LA LA and all dat after u got done I got dress

{Amelia}Hey yall no time to talk but Lucas called me for sum to talk about asap so I got up showers and did my hygiene LA LA and all dat after u got done I got dress

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Lucas:cum in MA

Me:wassup pappi u sound stress

Lucas:UK about my ex kacy

Me:yea Y u back with that hoe *stands up*

Lucas:hell to the nah but I have kids by her

Me:😤😨 kid or kids????

Lucas:kids in meaning 2

Me: okay how old and wen can I meet them

Lucas:boy 6 girl 5 and in 2 mins

Me:OMG!!!!! I ain't ready Lucas

Lucas:*holds hand* if I love u they will.....

*Ding Dong*

Opens door

Kacy:Who TF R U

Me:u must be kacy
*holds out hand*

Kacy:U must be his hoe LUCAS!!!!
*Push past her*

Lucas:right here kacy smfh

Kacy:*pushes kids* here and I don't want that hoe
*points at me*


Lucas:*Grabs her
*Whisper dirty stuff in ear*

Me:mmm okay

Lucas:*grabs ass* now go upstairs

Kacy: I don't ......


She leaves

Lucas:babe u can cum down

Me:ty bc I was going to snatched that weave. Hiya I'm Amelia wats ur name huny

LeAsia:LeAsia Simmons *cheses*

Me:hbu Lil man

Lance:Lance hbu babe

Me:*chuckles * babe  well hello I'm Amelia

LeAsia:dats a prety name

Me:ty aww y is papi pouting

Lucas:bc u stole my babies away

LeAsia: daddy mwe an an A gotta say sum 😞

Lucas:tell me baby

LeAsia:well momma bf hits  us 😳

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