The Asylum (Part 1)

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It was on the 25th October when me and my friend Louisa decided we were going away together. We were going to visit the Gartloch Asylum in Glasgow. We didn't live to far from Glasgow really, Just a couple hours away in the car, We have a flat together in Manchester and decided we would go to explore the asylum.

We packed all our clothes and belongings we would need as we were planning on staying in the asylum for a night, Me and Louisa both decided we would take it in turns to drive as we would get tired. A couple of hours later we arrived in Glasgow, We pulled up outside a fancy hotel where we were booked in for a week. We got our suitcases from the car and headed inside where we were greeted by the receptionist, We told her all our details and she gave us our room key. Louisa headed over to the lift and I followed her, We were on the 4th floor. When we eventually found our room Louisa unlocked the door and we threw our suitcases on the bed, After we unpacked we sat down and discussed when we would go to the asylum. We both decided that tomorrow would be the best time to go so we got changed for bed and went to sleep.

I awoke the next morning feeling refreshed, Louisa was already awake and was watching TV. I slipped on my clean clothes and packed a little bag full of things I would need for the night ahead, With that me and Louisa locked the hotel room door and headed to our car. The asylum wasn't far from here so with that in mind we set off, When we arrived at the asylum we parked the car round a side street so that nobody knew we was in there as it was out of bounds due to many reports of people going missing in there. We got out the car and walked up to the main entrance, It looked dull. Louisa opened the door and stepped inside..There were so many things just left in here...Beds, Cabinets, Wheelchairs. Weird. I went to explore the next room and before I knew it I had been wandering around for hours not realising that it was becoming dark. I rang Louisa on here mobile and she told me to meet her back at the entrance.

I looked around and tried to retrace my footsteps. I could'nt remember which way I had come from so I chose to go right, It lead into a room full of old needles and beds..I heard a loud bang behind me and jumped. I expected to see Louisa stood behind me but nobody was there..I shouted out to see if anyone was there. Maybe some kids had followed us in and decided they would try to prank me. Whatever it was I just ignored it, I carried on looking around and moved onto the next room where I found Louisa waiting for me.  She smiled and walked over to me, I explained to her that I had heard some kids messing around trying to scare me and she just rolled her eyes. We carried on walking until we came to a room we thought would be suitable for us to spend the night in, Louisa looked around and put her bag on the floor next to an old rusty bed, The matress was still there but had stains all over it. 

 I placed my bag down near the window, This was wrong. I had a really weird feeling inside of me that I couldn't explain. I turned to look at Louisa but she was gone..Probably gone into the next room to explore some more so I decided to just sit down and read my book I had brought with me..An hour or two passed and Louisa hadn't come back yet, I started getting worried as it was really dark now so I got my flashlight and went looking for her, calling her name but there was no reply. By now she could of been anywhere in the asylum so I decided to try to call her again, No answer. I carried on looking in every room, frantic to find her now, I was getting scared as it was pitch black and I really hated being alone in the dark. Suddenly I head a familiar voice call my name, It was Louisa, she was stood at the top of the stairs shouting me.

I ran up the stairs to her and she pulled me into a room saying she had to show me something important, We walked into the room and there it was..What was it? I'm still not sure, Stood there in the corner, Chains around its ankles, Staring at the wall..I decided that it was a bad idea to be here and me and Louisa turned and headed for the door when we heard the chains rattle. I slowly turned around to see that whatever was in the room was gone. I looked at Louisa and we both ran down the stairs and toward the room we were staying in. We got there pretty quick but were stopped in our tracks when we realised all of our belongings were scattered on the floor, our bags gone. Louisa ran over to where she had set down her bag and began picking her items up, I walked over to mine cautiously and began to do the same, Thats when it happened..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2013 ⏰

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