Start of School

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This is a story, about a new world created by parallel universe mishaps and war.

A teenager stands on the edge of a cliff, leaning on the convenient guard rail. He is wearing a black hoodie, black combat boots, black pants, black jeans, and to top it off a black, small backpack. He looks up at the sky,

"What a problem, high school." he said.

He climbs the guard rail and stands on the edge, of the guard rail. He pulls out a small controller, like a Wii remote nunchuck, but smaller, cordless, and has only two buttons. He takes a deep breath, then jumps off. During his fall, he presses the upper button on the remote. He instantly teleports closer, as if he sped up his fall at a lightspeed pace for a short time (this is called "skipping"). He looks down and notices the significant height, still. He puts his hand forth and casts, "/LIGHTEN GRAVITY/" (NOTE: anything in "//" is a spell and is spoken in japanese) a light follows the boy in a circular motion. He falls slower, slow enough that he can glide around. He glides towards a pathway, then lands. He lands in the bustling city of Deius. He puts his hands on his hips and looks and the extreme amount of skyscrapers. Looking on it, the city looked more like a normal city, but brushed over with a chrome paint, it is really shiny.

(>.<) later... (>.<)

The boy's name is Saito Takanashi. The Takanashi family is a mildly rich family, they are not poor enough that they struggle, but not rich enough to keep easy. Due to recent issues, Saito is now living alone in 1 bedroom apartment. He recently graduated middle school, so, he has to choose his high school. Saito parades around the city, thinking to himself, "Should I go military or support.." In his stupidity he walks right into a guy holding a bag of groceries. The guy falls over, Saito goes towards him and asks, "Are you okay, sir?"

"That's rude!" the guy says.

Saito tilts his head in confusion.

"I am obviously a girl!" said the girl.

Saito looks at the girl. She is wearing a large overcoat, like the ones flashers has, a pair of pink converse, and a huge hat. He helps the girl get up. Standing up, she didn't look like a guy at all, though her face is covered by her hat and coat. Saito helps the girl with her groceries. As soon as all the groceries were picked up, the two left each other, as if their meeting never happened.

After all the awkwardness of bumping into a girl, Saito went to his apartment. His apartment is located in a 30 story skyscraper complex. He lives on the 16th floor, in room 831. His room is not too well, his bathroom is full of clothes, his floor is full of clothes, and dirty magazines is scattered about the room. There is no sense whatsoever to his room, pretty much. He looks around in his room and picks up a pink piece of paper. On the paper, a short description of all the schools in Deius. "'School of Advancing Technology', 'School of Advancing Society', 'School of Combat Magic', and lastly, 'School of Combat Science'." He read to himself. "Maybe I should apply to a combat school.." He says to himself. He sits on his bed and puts his hand on his chin. "Yea, I should apply to a combat school. I mean, EVERYONE in my family was in the military at some point. Right?" He monologues. Saito has lived alone long enough until he can speak to himself for a while. Saito looks at the paper and searches for" School of Combat Magic" section of the paper. He reads further into it, "Registration period... tomorrow." He says aloud. He checks the time, on a clock buried in dirty magazines. "10:00 huh?" he said to himself. He grabs the clock, a simple analog clock influenced by western Earth universe. He sets his alarm for the next day. "I'll just read off another magazine..."

(0_0) The Next day... (0_0)

Saito wakes up with a slight headache. He goes inside his bathtub, and takes a bath.. for like an hour. After his hour bath, Saito puts on his default black clothing.

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