Jour Entry#11

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Entry one              [No date] 3pm 

There's much on my mind, I'm sitting on this public bus as always, going home is minute's away, I would of never thought my life to be like this, no it's funny, most people my age hate writing then there's me, word after word line after line. I used to HATE all of this expressing feelings like i do, act the way I do, I do, but time's change. Either you change with them or you you're seen as a non-normal person, pathedic if you ask me, if your a teen, you know what I'm talking about. Life's messed sometime's why do I write to you sitting on a bus, having some people look at me like I'm weird or something because I'm doing something they don't, if I'm weird because I write  inn a book with this pen, so be it. I don't care, I've lost all care for life, why should I care what people think of me in a negative way, I do this for you more then me, I do thi so you know about me a bit I do this or myself, to let out my feelings..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2013 ⏰

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