You got me asking
"What are we going to do tonight?"
Its too early to say goodbye
And its too late to say that I dont love you
I see the fog
But it doesnt tell me my future
And it doesnt tell me my past
We must make a choice
I cannot live without you
You are the love of my life
You help me see through the toughest situations
You help me see through the fog ahead
I cannot just sit here and do nothing
I cannot stop loving you
You are-
My life,
My soul,
My pride
You are my sunshine on the gloomy days.
You see the light
You are moving from it
Your in the quicksand
Your sinking in it
I grab your hand
To keep you from leaving me
But you pull away from me
Your the love of my life
And now in my heart there is a knife
Im falling deeper and deeper into the black abyss
Where nothing will and ever exist
They say that two negatives equal a positive
Did you know this is true?
I complete you
You complete me
I give you joy and nurture
While you give me confidence and strength
You are always in my mind
But am I in yours?
You seem to shun every feeling I express
You promised a future of you and I
But why keep and promise that you cant deny?
Your light is fading
And I cant find the switch
Where is the light
Where is the love
Where is the passion?
Your feelings you hold back
Are bunched up ina ball
You block them away
You wont even show them to me
Im losing hope
I try to help you
But you wont open your heart
Not even to me
My eyes are swollen
But there comes no tears
My heart throbs for you
But there is no ache
I let you in my heart
But yours is enclosed
Why are you hiding those feelings?
I want to know
Do you fret to regret the things you have done?
My life is full of pride and joy
Because of you
You never tell me your problems though
You never tell me whats on your mind
I try to convince you to tell me
But then you get upset
I try to make you happy
But it doesnt seem to work
The reason why Im getting all mushy inside
Is because of you
But you seem like you have no soul to share
It makes me feel bad
But I get over it
Because you are my love forever
You were the turning point of my life
But now in my heart there is a knife
Im falling deeper and deeper into the black abyss
Where nothing will or ever exist
I dedicated this to Tara Northcutt because we both wrote this, and please if you have any comments or suggestions post them! Thank you!